Chapter 16

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Hey guys! 

I'll be able to update more because I finish schoool tomorrow!!



(Harry’s P.O.V)

Spending the rest of the day at Luna Park with the boys and girls sounds awesome. I’ve never been but I’ve heard that it so much fun. The face at the entrance scares me a little though.

We made our way over to the line to line up but before we could even stop people were running at us.

“Uh guys” I said hurriedly

Everyone looked in the direction that I was pointing at and ran in the opposite direction. This direction happened to be over to a person who worked at Luna Park.

“Help us?” Louis said with a smile on his face

“Of course” the lady replied “come with me”

She quickly led us into a staff only room where we were able to catch our breath. She got us all passes for the rides before speaking up “I can make an announcement if you like about leaving you alone?”

“That would be nice but could you make it sound really nice?” Liam asked the lady

She nodded before walking over to a microphone

“People of Luna Park. I hope you’re having a good day so far. We have some very special guests with us today and they would like to have a day full of fun. They would appreciate it if they weren’t bombarded with everyone screaming at them. Thank you and have a good day” the lady spoke into the microphone enthusiastically

“That should hopefully make them understand” she smiled as she turned back to us “I hope you enjoy your time here at Luna Park”.

We all smiled at her before turning to the door we came through and checking outside before exiting. Thanks Paul for leaving us, it was real nice of you.

There were a few fans outside who were waiting patiently so we decided that we should at least say hello.

“Hello love” I smiled as I walked over to a fan

“Hi” she replied quietly

“Would you like me to sign something?” I asked her

“Yes please” she said as she put her arm in front of her

“Your arm?” I chuckled

She smiled sheepishly before I took a pen out of my pocket at signed her arm careful to not hurt her.

“Would you like a picture?” I asked once I put my pen back

“My phone died” she replied sadly

“That’s ok, I’ll take it on mine and tweet it to you” I suggested

She nodded eagerly with a huge smile on her face

“Ok, hold on” I paused and looked over to Lucy who was standing behind us with the other girls “Lucy, can you take the picture?” I asked

She nodded before walking over and taking my phone from my hand.

“Smile!” Lucy instructed

I put my arm around the girls shoulders and smiled towards the camera.

“There you go” Lucy said as she handed me back my phone and made her way back over to the girls.

“What’s your twitter?” I asked the girl in front of me

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