Chapter 5

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a little bit of one direction for you


(Harry’s P.O.V)

Today was the day we were heading back home to England. If I was honest I was really excited to get back home and see my family again. The only bad thing is that I’d be leaving them three weeks later to come to Australia for the competition.

The competition sounds quite interesting. When I first heard about it I thought that having back up dancers would ruin our vibe but after talking to Mike I realised that it would be awesome. Except for us having to learn to dance...

“HARRRRRRRRRY” a voice called

“IN HERE” I replied

The owner of the voice who turned out to be Louis walked into my bedroom.

“Hello there” he said

“Hey Lou, what’s up?” I asked

“Not much. I’ve finished packing so I came to see if you needed any help” Louis smiled

“I finished packing last night” I chuckled

“Oh. Yeah. I knew that” Louis retorted

I shook my head at him and got up off my bed.

“I’m going to find the others to go get some lunch. Want to come?” I asked my best friend

“Well considering I’m here yes” Louis replied

We walked around the hotel room looking for the other but couldn’t find them anywhere. We decided to look around the rest of the hotel for the boys. We went to the lobby, the pool and the buffet area but they weren’t there. The last place we look was the gym and luckily they were there and just finishing up.

“Hey boys” Louis said

Zayn, Liam and Niall turned around to face us and smiled

“Hey Lou and Harry, why are you guys here?” Liam asked

“I was wondering I you guys wanted to go out for lunch” I enquired

“Food?! I’m in” Niall said

We all laughed while Zayn nodded in agreement

“Sure, let us just get changed first” Zayn said

“Oh I thought you should go out in your sweaty gym gear” Louis sassed

Liam just shook his head as he followed Zayn and Niall out the door to get changed. 10 minutes later the three boys were back in the lobby and we walked out the door. We headed to Nandos since it was the closet restaurant. We ate in peace for about an hour and then headed outside just to be bombarded with papparazi. We didn’t bring a car with us to we had to run back to the hotel.

“Where were you?!” Paul asked us when we got back to the hotel room.

“Nandos” Niall answered simply

“Of course. Well we need to go now or you’ll miss your flight” Paul instructed us

We all nodded and went to our separate rooms to grab our luggage. Once we were at the airport we headed towards out gate. We had an hour until the plane was going to take off so we got into a conversation.

“I can’t wait to see some of the entries for the competition” Liam said

“We’re only going to see two” Louis informed him

“How many are there going to be to begin with?” Niall asked

“I think 10 or something” Zayn answered

“I wonder if they’ll be hot...” I trailed off

I was suddenly hit with loads of jumpers that the boys threw at me. They all laughed while I just playfully glared at them.


Finally back in England I thought to myself. The flight was quite boring. All the boys fell asleep so that left me to watch movies. I was going to be arriving to my mum’s place in about five minutes. I couldn’t wait to see her and Robin. Yes I saw them recently because they were at the premier but still they’re my family. It’s sad that I don’t get to see Gemma but I’m glad she’s having a good time in America.

I jumped out of the car when we arrived and my mum’s place. I grabbed my luggage and made my way to the front door. It was suddenly pulled open and shut just as quickly.

“Mum what are...”

“HARRY” my mum shouted “I’m so happy to see you!”

“Good to see you too mum” I said and went up to the door

My mum ran in front of me a smiled

“What are you doing?” I asked

“Nothing” she replied

“You’re not being very convincing” I told her

“Ugh fine come in” my mum said and opened the door

I walked inside confused before I was attacked in a hug

“Hey little brother” a voice said in my ear

The hug ended and I look at my sister in front of me

“Gemma! What are you doing here?” I asked surprised

“Am I not allowed to visit my parents and little brother?” she asked faked hurt

“You’re so funny” I said sarcastically

“I try” Gemma retorted

“I’m going to make dinner. So do what siblings do before dinner’s ready” my mum smiled and headed into the kitchen. Me and Gemma caught up, although I saw her a few week ago, until mum called for dinner. Mum had made lasagne, my favourite! We all scoffed down dinner before I stood up “dinner was lovely mum, thank you. But I’m really tired so I think I’m going to head to bed. Night, love you all”. I hugged Gemma, mum and patted Robin on the head.

I made my way up to my old room and walked over to my bed. I took off my shoes, jeans and top and climbed into bed. I buried my head into the pillow and quickly feel into a dreamless sleep. 


sorry the story's moving a bit slowly i'll try and speed it up

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