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Hi everyone who's been reading this story

I know I haven't updated in a while and that's because I've been thinking...I'm enjoying writing this story but not really enjoying the story itself. I don't really like the direction this story is heading in and when I've thought about I've realised there's not much I can do with it. There's not much drama I can put in, well I can but it won't seem realistic and that's what I want this story to be like. Since I want this story to be as realistic as I can make it, I've figured out that it's really hard to make it realistic when I don't really know Harry or the other boys personally. I only really know what they show to their fans in their concerts and what the media perceives them to be. And no I don't listen to everything the media says because it's often shit. 

The past few days I've thought of another story idea. It's completely different to this on. It's got nothing to do with One Direction as a band but will have the boys as characters. It's going to be a Harry Styles fanfiction, like this on, but punk Harry Styles. By doing this I can add more drama and make up a completely new character for Harry. I don't have to try and base my characters on real people. 

So I won't be updating this story anymore, though I may in the future. I know this isn't a very popular story and I can understand that since I haven't updated a lot. But I'd just like to thank everyone who's been reading this story. I'm really sorry to anyone who has been enjoying this story but I'm not enjoying it as much as I should be. 

I'm going to be putting up my new story tonight but won't be putting up the first chapter until next Saturday. Between now and then I'll be writing the new story and making sure I'm happy with the chapters before posting them.

So please be patient and thank you for reading BENEATH THE SUMMER SKIES for the very short period of time that I"ve been writing it. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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