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Hello! Thank you so much for all your support. You guys always seem to brighten my mood. I can't thank you enough. I'm on spring break so I can update faster. Shoutout to the person in the picture! Please vote and comment! Enjoy~

Levi's POV

Two more murders have taken place in the village. Thoughts of Eren kept flashing to me in the night, and I was unable to stop them.

Hunter and the whole town had become more strict. Rules were enforced and I felt horrible. I am the cause of all of this. I'm a little surprised that I'm haven't been kicked out of the village.

"Levi," Hunter called out my name as I looked at a freshly picked apple.

I placed the, red, apple down and looked at the man. "Yes?" My body turned to Hunter as he stopped in front of me.

"It's time to go back, everyone is starting to pack up. It's almost sundown." He warned me.

My eyes casted downwards; to the cobble stoned streets. "Hunter, I don't think I should be here." I mumbled.

"Excuse me?" I flinched at Hunter's tone. Playing with my fingers, I started to look around.

"I put everyone in the village at risk and it's not fair. Maybe I should just go back to-to Eren." My voice cracked but I stayed strong.

"Levi, don't talk like that. We are more than happy to care for you, to be there for you. I will not let you go back to that monster." Hunter lead me into the house.

I didn't say a word, Eren is a monster but I didn't like other people calling him that. What am I saying? Shut up Levi. I shook off the feeling and went into my room.

The sun was setting and the blast of colors filled the room. The warmth, now, radiated off my skin.

I still needed help undressing. I wasn't used to this kind of clothing.

Once Hunter came into the room, he took my hands and looked at me. Looking into his eyes, his hands traveled to the bow tie.

Untying it, the ribbon fell to the floor. My shirt was undone from the back. Falling from my shoulders onto the ground.

His hands folded under my undershirt and I put my arms up. The fabric was taken off and my upper half was bare.

I looked down when the eye patch fell to the floor. I was startled when Hunter yanked me close to him by my pants.

Unbuttoning them, they came off of me. I, now, sat on the bed and looked to the side. I hated to look at Hunter at these times.

'Mine' was carved into my skin, and I covered it with my arms. "You can leave now..." I asked softly.

I heard him sigh and my head was turned to Hunter's gaze. He held my face softly between his thumb and index finger. I pulled away and felt soft lips on my cheek.

"Hunter...please don't." I asked him. A part of me was tugging me to stop thinking about Eren and our first time, yet I need to get over that.


Hunter pulled his hands away and tilted up my chin. "Let me, Levi. Just once..." His cool breath ran over my face.

"I can't-"

"Yes you can. Let it happen." My hand went up to Hunter's bicep and I gripped it.

Our lips touched.

I couldn't think straight. How could I let this happen? I had grown too soft, I would have punched him. Why am I not doing that now?

This felt so sinful.

"Hunter, ah..." My head turned as his lips went to my neck. "Wait wait, Hunter stop."

I withdrew his hands from my body and scooter away. "We need to stop, we shouldn't be doing this."

"I understand, Levi. You've been through a lot today." I nodded in response and laid down.

"Goodnight Levi," the light was turned off but I couldn't sleep. I waited until Hunter was asleep to get up.

Walking to the window, I looked outside. The moon was full, and high.

Eren ran through my head once more. His body, and all the memories. Mostly bad, but what we did in bed together didn't go away. I hate him so much!

So why am I thinking of him...

Hey guys! Again, thank you for your support! I love you so much! And I'll see you next time. Vote and comment <3

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