A day alone

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Lauren’s POV

I just wanted to scream at the old man. Who the hell does he think he is telling me that I’m a fucking devil worshiper or something. I was a couple seconds away from punching him straight in the face, then see what he says. I left the restaurant before I actually did something I would regret or rather my manager would make me want to regret. I can see the headlines now ‘Lauren Jauregui punches a saint’.  I look around and notice I had ended up at a park from my walk. At least this was a good place to help me cool down. Sometime I wonder why I don’t just give up being famous. I was sitting on the bench now, looking at the small pond located in the middle of the park. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Excuse me, are you Lauren Jauregui.” I turned to see a little girl who was about five years old looking at me, her mother pushing her towards me.

“Yeah. Are you a fan?” I asked. She nodded with a small smile. I took the pen and paper she had in one hand and signed it. Her mother was taking pictures and I posed for one. Whenever I doubted what I was doing my fans always made me happy again.

Camila’s POV

“She’s gay?” Ally asked. We were now on our way to drop me off at my house. We left the restaurant after Lauren but she was nowhere in sight when we got outside.

“You didn’t know?” Her father answered.


“It was all over the magazines.” He replied.

“Well I thought I wasn’t supposed to trust those.” I looked at Ally with a shocked expression. Hadn’t she told me all the bad things the magazine had said about her yesterday, now she says she just didn’t believe that she was gay?

“Who said that?” Mama H asked. Ally pointed at me.

“Yes, blame me for not knowing your own sister was gay.”

“Wait did you know?” Ally asked me.

“Well kind of. I read it on tumblr but I wasn’t sure if it was true.”

“So I was the only one who didn’t know or suspect anything.”

“Pretty much.” I say. She glares at me.

“No I’m not talking to you.” She says squinting her eyes at me.


“Because you didn’t tell me.”

“But I love you, don’t hate me.” I whined playfully.

“No, I don’t love you.” She said pouting.

“Yes, you do.” I smile.

“Fine, I do but if you keep information like that again, I’ll love you less.

“Yay.” I say and we burst out laughing. We arrived at my house soon after.

“Bye, thank you for letting me stay over.” I say getting out of the car.

“You’re welcome to stay anytime and you know it.” Mama H answered.

“Bye Ally, see you at school.”

“See ya Mila.” I walked into my house to find it completely quiet. It was nothing unusual during the weekends. My parents were working today even though it was a Sunday, and my little sister was over at my Grandma’s house. I went to my room, changed to my pajamas and grabbed my laptop to go on tumblr. I decided to go on the Lauren Jauregui tag. There were a bunch of pictures of her on the red carpet, and different events. There were some post saying they were missing seeing new pictures of her everyday. Theres a story that catches my attention though. ‘I still can’t believe I met Lauren Jauregui. She is literally one of the nicest people I have ever met. At the meet and greet she asked me my name and gave me a hug, which was good because I was too scared to ask.She asked me how I was doing I answered that I was fine. I didn’t have much time because the security was making me hurry and she glared at them. After the show she was getting on the bus when she saw a group of us. She was getting yelled to go but she still stopped and took pictures with as many fans as possible, one including me, before her management dragged her away. She really does care about her fans.’ That did not really sound like the Lauren Jauregui I had met. She seemed so cold and distant not wanting to waste time on anybody. I actually saw a couple more stories like that as I kept looking down. I wasn’t sure why but there was something interesting me about Lauren, maybe its because I wanted to find out who she really was. I refreshed the page of the tag to actually see a new pictures of Lauren in a park that I recognized. There were a couple ones was with a little girl sitting on her lap. They were making faces and the girl seemed to be really happy. I saw more pictures and it seemed like a crowd had formed around her. All her fans seemed to be really happy and so did she. There was a video, and I clicked on it. It started to play and Lauren was taking pictures with some of her fans when the person recording her called her name.

“Lauren will you say hi to Eric.” She turned and face the camera.

“Hi Eric. I love you.” She said using both her hands to blow a kiss and winked. The video continued of her taking more pictures and talking to the fans. If I hadn’t met her a couple hours before I would say she was probably one of the nicest artist I had ever seen. The video had now stopped and I refreshed the tag to see even more people around her. There were at least fifty of them now.

Lauren’s POV

How did this crowd suddenly get so big? I didn’t mind when there were a few people but when there’s a big crowd it seems to turn into trouble.

“Hey guys, I have to go back home.” I say.

“No Lauren don’t go.” They answered.

“Sorry guys its getting late.” I search my pockets to call my dad to drive me home when I realize I had forgotten it in the car.

“Bye.” I say before I start walking. I could feel a couple of people that are following me. I soon realize that I have no idea what park I’m at or how to get home. I start to walk toward the restaurant hoping they are looking for me. I know its a long shot since my dad is probably expecting me to call him. I can feel the people still following me and I don’t want to turn around to see how many there are.I begin to run to try to lose them but I can still hear their feet hitting the floor.  I see a car pull up besides me. They roll down the windows and I see Camila driving.

“Get in.” She says.


Sorry didn't have time to check this. I'm trying to upload before I have to go out with my family. Enjoy the chapter. -S

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