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Lauren’s POV

Ally didn’t say a word for the rest of the class as people slowly went up to sing or play an instruments, as the teacher called them up alphabetically starting at Z and making its way backwards. Her face was deadpan and she didn’t look at anyone. Camila was biting her bottom lip and watching the performers nervously. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She turned to look at me with a nervous smile, but with worry in her eyes. I knew she wasn’t worried about performing because we would only make it to the letter S by the end of class but because of Ally. When the bell rang we turned to talk to Ally but she wasn’t in the classroom, having left as soon as the bell rang. We all quickly followed her but she wasn’t by her locker and her car wasn’t in the parking lot.

“This is bad.” Camila groaned.

“No, I’m sure its not as bad as it seems.” I assure her.

“Yeah, its worse. She was completely mad, when she saw us. How can I be so stupid?”

“Come on you’re not stupid. We’ll just get to the bottom of this. Normani can you give us a ride to my house?”

“Yeah sure, Laur.” Normani answered.

“Bye guys, give me an update when you talk to Ally.” Dinah said as we got in the car. Camila and I got into the back, while Normani drove. The ride was silent and Camila wouldn’t stay still. Her leg would shake, or she would tap her hands on the seat. When we finally arrived she froze completely when she saw Ally’s car in the driveway. I opened the car door and thanked Normani but she stayed seated.

“Camila, come on.”

“No, I can’t face her.”

“Just come on.” I tell her.She shakes her head and stays seated.I grab our backpacks and put them on the ground, I then pull her closer to me and grab her putting her over my shoulder.

“Lauren no.” She says grabbing the door. I tickle her sides till she finally releases her grip. I kicked the door close and waved goodbye to Normani.

“If I set you down will you run away?”

“I don’t think I can move.” She replied. I set her down as I get the house keys out of my backpack and put both of them on my shoulder. I looked at Camila who seemed to have her calm back.

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah. I think I’m ready to talk to Ally.”

Camila’s POV

We stood outside Ally’s door, while I prepared myself to go in.

“Are you sure you’re ready?” Lauren asked me. I nodded my head. “Let’s go in then.”


“Are you not ready?”

“No, I have to talk to Ally alone.”

“She’s my sister too, you don’t have to do this alone.” She assures me.

“I know but I just have to do this.”

“Fine, I’ll be right out here, if you need me.” She lets go of my hand and kissed my forehead. I slowly turn the knob of the door and walk in, closing the door behind me. Ally was sitting on her bed and barely glanced up to look at me.

“Ally. Can we talk?”

“How long Camila?”

“How long what?

“How long have you been dating my sister.”

“A week.”

“You kept this from me for a week?”

“Ally can we just talk.”

“Talk? What do you want to talk about? How you used me just like the all the other people at the school ust to get close to my sister?” She answered harshly.

“I didn’t.”

“You did. When I came back, I thought you were the only one I could trust. The one that I knew wanted to be my friend because of me, but it turns out I was wrong.” She said standing up and moving towards me.

“I…” I started when she cut me off.

“No, Camila I don’t want to hear it. You betrayed my trust.”

“Its not like that at all.” I tried to explain.

“You know when Lauren first came, I didn’t want to give her a chance but you convinced me to do it and I thought you actually wanted me to try to do it for me but it turns out now it was just to make it easier on you.”

“Ally it wasn’t like that.”

“Just leave.”

“No, not till you let me explain.”

“I said leave.”

“Ally, let me just.”

“Leave!” She yelled. I felt tears begin to stream down my face as I open the door and walk out of her room. I slid down the door and let the tears run freely.

“Camz are you ok?” Lauren says as she sits besides me.

“No, I’m not.”

“I’m sure she’ll come around.”

“No, Lauren this was a bad idea from the start. She’s right, I’m no better than any other person who used her.”

“No Camila, you’re not like them.”

“Its true, and it has to end.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I think we should break up.”


Hi, I'm a day late on this and I'm sorry but things came up but I will try to always publish at least once a week, mostly Sundays. Tell me what you think of the chapter and I'm sorry. -S

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