Chapter Two

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School is over and I go to the sidewalk and meet my mom.

"Hi sweetie how was school?" She asked as we drove away.

"It was good. We had a good lunch and everything."

"Good! I'm so happy the principal is finally fixing the school."

By the way I'm rebelling I'm more like helping the principal out with his image and reputation. But my rebellious ways other than "helping" the principal is pranking teachers who are unfair, bullies, and for fun I hanged a hundreds of flyers with papers with pepe the frog printed to it all over the walls during lunch time. And here is a secret. Their cameras don't function well. And the cameras give pixel like blurry visuals.

"Yup great principal."

We got home and I went upstairs to do homework and check on the status on our school from my laptop.

I finished my homework and check on the school's surveillance. After a couple minutes the surveillance turns off and I get a text from my phone.

- Hey its me Cameron. What's your address?

* (insert any address)

- Thanks just need to make sure.

* Alright.

And I get a text from Daniel


- Dude I need you now.

* The cameras?

- Yeah and also something else.

I grabbed my backpack with my laptop and notebooks and I run downstairs.

"Mom I'll be back in thirty minutes! I have to do something extremely important!" I yell.

And I ran out the door, got on my bike and rode to his house. As soon as I arrived I climbed up his tree and into his window. Because his parents doesn't like other people in the house. I knock on his window and he lets me in.

"What's going on?" I asked getting in.

"Look, they're upgrading the school surveillance security system." He says walking to his computer and showing me an animation of the school structure. Which is surrounded with red in the interior. "The red is the security cameras."

I sigh. "Can you control the new cameras?"

"I don't know. They're just starting the new upgrade. That's why the cameras are off."

"Man. Well we still have the school system right?"

"Yeah. Just no more physical stuff."

"Well its fine the-" I was cut off by ringing. "It's my mom." And as soon I answered it I was pretty scared.

"Come. Home. Now." She says and hanging up.

"Okay I got to go or else my mom will kill me."

"You were just here for only three minutes."

"I know. Just keep me notified if anything happens."

"Alright. And don't lose your virginity." He says winking.

"My virgi-" I stop and glare at him. "I dont think we're going to hang out today anyways." He winks and I just go out his window. "I hate you."

I rode back home as fast as I can. Man what did I do? Did Aaliyah do something or say something to her?
I got back home and I'm sweating like crazy. Who knew riding a bike could tire you out. Well maybe because it's freaking almost ninety degrees outside!

"Mom I'm here sorry I was-" I went to the kitchen and my mom was talking to Cameron. If my heart was still beating fast by coming here then I think it just stopped and slowed down.

"Shawn you didn't tell me you made a new friend."I stood there nervously.

"Oh um yeah uh sorry."

"Why are you sweaty?" Aaliyah asks.

"Mom you literally threatened me so I rode back here as fast as I could." She laughs. And Cameron is there looking hot and I'm here sweating non stop.

"Sorry sweetie."

"So are you ready?" Cameron asks smirking. But I glare at him.

"I'll be ready in ten minutes."

I run upstairs and took a cold-ish shower. I got out and wore a comfortable outfit. An outfit way different than I usually wear. And put on my shades and a black dad hat. I go downstairs and Cameron is waiting for me with a smile.

"Ready?" I nod.

"See you later mom! Bye Aaliyah!"


"Bye Shawn!"

We get to his car and got in.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"To a party." I turn my head and took off my shades. I am NOT a big fan of parties.

"No no no turn around I'm not-" He grabs my hand and I stopped immediately and felt warming chills.

"Don't worry. It's not those alcoholic parties with hormonal teenagers." I sigh in relief. And he laughs. I look at my hand and he is rubbing it in circles. It feels so comforting. I sigh and feel a heavy feeling in my chest because of what I am about to say..

"Okay you can let go of my hand now."

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to." He says a bit hurt. I can't get close to him. Not now.

We arrive at a nice looking huge house near a forest. The music was loud but not extremely loud. And the smell of the air was amazing.

"Shall we?" I nodded and we walked to the glowing house. "Don't forget your shades." I put them on and we get to the entrance.

I'm so glad I chose my outfit right because everyone looks so, how do I say it, chill and beachy? I keep my distance with Cameron and I think it's bumming him out.

"I'll be right back." I said. He nods and I go outside and call Daniel. Texting takes too long.

"What is it?"

"I'm at a party. With Cameron."

"Really that's amazing! So why are you calling me?"

"We just arrived and we aren't having fun, not smiling."

"Seriously why?"

"I have to keep my distance remember? But I don't think I can do it. He'll hate me by tomorrow."

"Shaaawn. Okay look. Just have fun, loosen up a bit. I'll take care of everything on my end and we can come up with a good plan B."


"Come on Shawn!"

"Okaayy. Finee. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. And don't worry. He only knows if you tell him. Which you won't."

"Okay thanks. Talk to you later."




I laugh and hang up. And I see Cameron.

"Hey Shawn do you want me to take you home? Sorry if you really didn't want to be here." I put my arm around his shoulders and smile.

"I just needed to loosen up a bit! Lets have some fun!" He smiles happily and nods.


Rebel - Shameron Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora