Chapter Twenty-Two

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A Week Later
PROM Day 5:45 P.M.

"Mom! I can't find my comb!" I yell a little nervous. I don't even know why I'm freaking out I mean it's just a dance. Right? I turn to Daniel who is already ready to party.

"Jeez dude relax, don't get so tense. I should be, my parents are probably all ready to plan my imprisonment." I sigh. But chuckle.

"You're right." Then mom comes in.

"Sweetie calm down. Here." My mom says coming into the room.

"Thanks mom."

I fix my hair with the mirror I have and mom is just standing there and I slow down.

"Um hey can I help you with something?" She just smiles.

"I just can't wait for your wedding day. You're so handsome!" She says excited. I blush and feel my face burning up.

"Mom!" I say laughing. And dad comes in and inspects me.

"You need to fix tie... And your shoelaces... And yourrr.." And he tries to fix my dressing mistakes.

"Dad I know, I got it." I say continuing to fix my hair.

"Wow, If this is how nervous you are I wonder how bad you'll be in your wedding day." I set the comb on the cabinet and turned around.

"That's what I was thinking!" Mom says. Then Daniel chimes in.

"Dude if I'm going to be your best man or whatever I'll have to get you drunk to ease you up."

"Ookaay. Get out from my room." I say pushing them out. "Even you... Daniel." They walked out laughing.

I sigh and fix myself up.

I go downstairs and have something to eat. Someone knocks on the door and dad opens it.

"Hey!! Are those for me!" Dad shouts.

"Hi Mr. Mendes. And no."

I go to the front door and Cameron looks amazing. Nice white tux with a red tie. Smiling and holding a bouquet of roses.

"You look amazing... like always." I say to Cameron. He laughs and we hugged.

"You do too. And these are for you." I give him a peck on the lips. And take the roses.

"Aw thanks Cameron."

"You're welcome and can we get a picture?" He asks. I nod. And he takes out his polaroid camera. I playfully roll my eyes.

"Mom can you take it?" She smiles and nods.

Me and Cameron hug each other like weirdos and I hold the roses up and we smile big and wide. Click. We let go and laugh. Cameron takes the film and the polaroid. And mom takes a picture with her own digital camera of me and Cameron.

"Okay you guys, are y'all ready?" Daniel and I nod.

"Yeah but let me put these in my room." I go upstairs and set the roses on my bed. And I head downstairs.

"Okay kids be back by eleven! Don't know about you Danny kid." Dad says. We laugh and I hugged mom, dad, and Aaliyah.

"See you guys!" And me, Daniel, and Cameron head out.

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