Chapter Sixteen

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I think I took the action thing a little too far.

After the party it starts to get dark out but me and Cameron went out to get ice cream. Which sounds kiddish but who cares? You're never too old for ice cream. I thank the nice girl and sat on a small booth. Together.

We started talking about the party then I needed to use the restroom.

"I'll be back." I say.

I check myself at the mirror and check my cheek. It's a burning sensation and I wanted to see if anything is wrong. I rub my cheek and jaw and arm. But it's only the cheek. But it looks fine. I think it's inflammation so I think if it gets worse I'll have it checked out. But for now I'm fine.

I do my business afterwards and wash my hands. I get out and I don't see Cameron. I ask the lady if she saw him.

"He went outside with a tall guy." A tall guy? I thanked her and went outside.

"Cameron?" I don't see him anywhere. Not even in his car.

I look around and a faint noise comes from behind a building and it's dark. And what I see is the worst thing I could ever imagine even in the shadows with the moon as the only source of light. A huge guy has Cameron by the neck.

"Cameron!!" I ran towards the guy so fast that I tackled him down hard.

"You're dead!" The man says. I became extremely angry.

"Good luck with that!" He comes forward and I dodged his punches and grabbed both his wrists and twisted it. He falls to his knees and I punched his face hard enough that he's unconsious.

I went to Cameron and he isn't breathing.

"Cameron. Cameron!" I slapped his face gently and I try to do CPR.
"Come on Cameron. Don't you dare leave me!" I did mouth to mouth resuscitation. Nothing.
"Cameron wake up!" I continue doing CPR and I got angry and with one punch at his heart he breathes again.
"Cameron you asshole I thought I lost you!" I say hugging him.

"Sorry handsome." He says with a smile.

I call the police and explained what happened.

"Cameron you're going to be fine." I hold his neck and he winced. "What's wrong?" He starts to cry.

"He sticked a cigarette on my neck." I check for it and I sob immediately. It was a deep bleeding burn.

"Son of a-! I should've came sooner." I grab his shirt and cried and kneel down with him and picked him up.

"Shawn please don't cry."

"I can't. I love you so much and you're hurt!"

The police eventually arrives and the paramedics carried Cameron on a stretcher. And the man was put on a stretcher. Then as the light reached his face, I saw who he is. It was Ryan.

They were put in separate ambulances.

I go over to Cameron and grabbed his hand. "Can I get a kiss?" He says smiling. I laughed and kissed him gently.

They had me removed from the ambulance and I took the car keys from Cameron.

"Don't worry I'll be right behind you."

So technically we went to the hospital and they treated him. While I sit in the waiting room for hours worried if he'll be fine, I finally get feedback.

"Well it looks like he has no broken bones, his neck is fine, he just needs to limit his movement for a couple days. And he'll be completely fine." The nurse says.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem. Since he's eighteen, considered an adult, he can check himself out." I nodded and went into his room where he is sitting and we locked eyes and we hugged each other tightly.

"Are you okay?" I say crying onto his shoulder.

"I'm fine as long as you're with me." I laugh.

"Shut up."

We get out of the hospital and get into the car. I drove to my house since for one he didn't want me to leave him alone. And secondly he doesn't want his mom to know. And I know that mom and Aaliyah is sleeping right now.

I help Cameron out of the car and I get my keys out and unlock the front door. And I'm faced with my mom.

"Shawn Pete- oh my goodness what happened?!" My mom says at first mad but then worried.

"The nurse says he'll be fine. He just doesn't want his mom to know what happened." She helps me with Cameron and we go upstairs.
"So I was hoping if he can stay here for a couple days." We set him down in bed. And mom sighs.

"Fine but tell me what happened." I was starting to cry not wanting to remember.

"Some guy tried to kill him mom." Cameron grabs my hand and have me sit down to hug me.

"Oh dear. What happened to the guy?"

"I kind of broke and separated his wrists."

"Jesus!" Camerons says chuckling.

"Well okay then... If you need anything just ask."

Cameron texts his mom that he'll be staying in my house for a couple days as we change our clothes.

After getting Cameron on a comfortable position I lay down with him and turned off the light.

"I love you Cameron."

"I love you too Shawn. Thank you for saving my life."

And this time I covered him with my arms like a tight hug as if it will protect him from everything and anything.

"This was one hell of a Saturday." I say.

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