Chapter Eleven

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I wake up with a smile and arms covering me. I reach over to get my phone and I see that I woke up five minutes before the alarm will ring. Then I get a message from mom.

- Sweetie you don't have to go to school today. I'm working a little late so I wont be back in another hour

* It's fine mom Cameron can take me to school

- Ooooh Ookay

* Mom... Stop

I wake up Cameron and he moans. I giggled and he opens his eyes and blushes embarrassingly.

"Oh sorry I didn't know my arms were covering you."

"It's fine but I'm going to eat breakfast. You want something?" I say with a smile.

"I'm fine. You're not going to change your clothes?"

"I did. Last night." He chuckles. I mean it's true, so I have extra time.

I go downstairs and make some nice golden brown pancakes and sunny-side up eggs. Then I cut up some fruits and put them all in a plate. Separately. Not mixed together, that would be gross. Cameron comes down and smells the aromatic air.

"Here's your plate." He smiles widely.

"Thanks Shawn. I really appreciate it." I nod and smile at him and set the syrup bottle on the table.

We both eat in a comfortable silence. I can get used to this everyday.

Well today is my last day of being the rebel. I need to make this one a good one. Also today those packets are due.

"Hey Cameron? Did you finish those packets that were given out a couple days ago?"

"Yeah I actually did. They were very easy. Just wastes a lot of time. It's weird though, I thought it was going to be hard." After he finished that sentence, I got a message from Daniel.

- You need to look at the video I sent you in your email

* Can't right now. I'm eating with Cameron. I'll see it later.

"Who was that?"


"What did he want?"

"To say good morning."


After we finished eating I told Cameron I can meet him at school.

"I can wait here. I can drive you."

"Thanks Cameron but you don't have to. I'm fine with walking."

"I'm not letting you do that. It's raining a little outside. I can drive you."

"But you've done so much for me already."

"And you made me this amazing breakfast."

"I know bu-"

"Shawn it's fine. I can take you." I smile and nod.

"Okay. Thanks. But I'll be right back."

I go upstairs into my room and lock the door and get my laptop from a drawer. I unlocked it and took it out and go into my email. You're probably like "Who uses email?" Well it's safer that way. I click on the video Daniel sent me and I watch it and I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing.

It was a group of teachers discussing about, me the rebel. And they're with me. I couldn't be anymore shocked. Why are the teachers with me? I continued to listen and I understand. The principal was cutting their wages without them knowing. And all that extra homework was purposely easy to trick the principal. Also their benefits were being cut and their own funding. They wanted to know who the rebel is so they can help him, or should I say me. Even our meanest teacher who I pranked on Monday with the fake rats. He actually thought it was funny.

So I guess I know what to do. But I'm obviously not going to tell them who I am. I texted Daniel that I watched the video.

- We know what to do right?

* Yes we do. Also today is going to be the last time I'm going to do this

- Actually I was going to talk to you about that

* Lol. We will discuss it later

I put my laptop back and lock the drawer and unlock my door and go downstairs.

"Ready?" He nods.


We drive to school and as we were reaching there I said one thing to Cameron.

"You know I have reasons to do things. I always do."

"Um okay?" He laughs and I laugh with him.


Before lunch me and Daniel met with each other in the gym instead of the restroom.

"Well this will be our last action huh?" I nod.

"I don't want to ruin this for me and Cameron." He nods.

"Okay. Well you know what to do." I nod. I have to manually connect to the entire school system to get a better update and be able to control everything in this school from emailing to the security system to hacking the announcement speakers.

I put on my beanie and bandanna and nod at Daniel. I go up into the ceilings and he leaves to do his thing. The difference between this ceiling and the one on the restroom is that this ceiling, I can completely walk on it. Although I'm still being cautious because I'm fifty feet high up. But I finally reach the top and go on the roof and into their electrical room or whatever it's called. I find the signal and systematic generator and plug in the USB connector into it.

"Okay Danny. It's connected."

"Okay it'll take five minutes."

To pass the time I sit down and look through my phone. I look through the pictures I took with Cameron at the amusement park. My favorite one was the he put cotton candy all over his face to make a beard and sticked the paper cone on his head with his other hand like a unicorn.

Beep Beep

"Okay Danny it's done."

"Good now unplug it and lets end the tyranny of the principal." We laugh and I take the device and unconnected it from the generator. I put it on the little bag I have and walkout and I see a masked person. It's familiar.


Rebel - Shameron Where stories live. Discover now