Chapter Five

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"Shawn you need to come back."

I carefully walk back to the restroom and I jump off and go meet Danny at his locker.

"I got it."

"That's good.. And I'm sorry." I sigh. He must've heard them when I did.

"No this is all my doing. I just don't want him to know."

"He'll know someday. But you'll give him a good explanation."

I don't really know about that. We have a lot packet work and he still wants to stop me. Actually end me.

"I hope so. I'm just hoping it isn't him and the school staff versus us."

"We just got to keep it on the low. The safest way is to decrease their suspicion. We pause on our rebelling until they are no longer concerned."

We both know it'll be a while

"No." He quickly turns to me.


"I'm trying to make everyone's life easier and being fair. And the selfishness of Principal Martin is getting in the way of that. Danny you don't have to help me if you don't want to."

He laughs and pats my back.

"Nice speech. Finally there will be some action." I smiled and we went to lunch with twenty minutes left.
If Cameron will be in this then I have to make sure every plan is thought out. And I have to cut our relationship. It just feels so wierd now. One day we are at a party and the next I'll be cutting him off.


All day when Cameron tried to talk to me I would cut the conversation short. Daniel notices this and he understands. As for Cameron he can see that I'm not interested and he gets the hint.

I've been crushing on Cameron for three years and when I finally get the chance to be his it always have to be in the wrong time. Gosh I feel like a jerk now.

I leave school and I see my mom. But before I get in the car I feel a hand grab my shoulder. I turn around and see Cameron.

"Shawn are you okay? You've been ignoring me and I don't know if I did something to upset you."

Yes Cameron, you are trying to end me. When I'm trying to do the right thing.

"No I'm fine." I say instead. And I get in the car.

"Honey is something wrong?"

"No mom. I'm just having one of those days."

When we got home, mom left to pick up Aaliyah. I get into my room and get my laptop. And as soon as I opened it I have extremely clear visual from the cameras. I texted Daniel,"Good job buddy!"

Now if they want to end me then I want to make it clear that I'm not backing out.

I took a package of printed paper from the copy room from the ceiling. I nearly fell over as I was trying to grab it.

So using the papers I took, I printed one hundred copies of a page that says,

I'm a rebel. Who brings fairness and justice. If you want to stop me,

And I added a symbol of a mockingjay. I smiled and laughed. I really loved the books and movies.

I grab the copies from my printer and put them in my folder. And I gave Daniel a call.

"Hey, what do you think about going to school at night?"

"I think it should be illegal to be at school twice in one day." I laugh and we hung up because we knew what we were going to do.

I'm going to be old fashioned about this. So I'm getting my outfit, which is all black, prepared and just in case, I got a bobby pin. You have no idea how many times a bobby pin saved me.


Its ten at night and my mom and Aaliyah are sleeping. I have everything planned out and I'm ready. I quietly open my window and slowly climbed down on a nearby tree. And I went on my bike and rode to Daniel's house.

When I got there I did what I always do and this time his window is fully open.

"You sure about this Shawn?" I nodded.

"Okay so the plan is that you have to disable the cameras for as long as you can. But if you can somehow pause it but let the time continue, that would be even better because it'll be like I'm invisible."

"Okay but I have to tell you when it is a go. So stay behind the trees so the outside cameras don't catch you. Also I got you this." He hands me a wierd small object and I figure out what it is.

"Where the hell did you get this?" Looking at the electronic school key.

"I made a copy of the principal's and it should not set off alarms or anything."

"Wow. You should be the leader of this rebel duo."

"Yeah, but you do the most risk taking parts so it's fine." He nodded and I put on my earpiece.

"Okay time to send a message."


I reach the school and wait behind a tree and put on some gloves just in case and a bandana over my mouth and my beanie. After a few minutes it was a go. So I went behind the school and went in from there.

And for the next five minutes I taped and stapled my beautiful rebelling message to the bulletin boards, walls, doors, lockers, and even the principal's office.

I'm a high risk taker. 

Everything just seems too easy.  Until I hear Daniel yell which startled me.

"Shawn behind you!" I turn around and all the sudden I'm handcuffed and then punched on the stomach and pushed hard to the floor.

"I sorry rebel but I have to do this."

Cameron. He has a mask. But I know it's him.

"You've made things worse for this school. And honestly I don't want to do this. You are like a hero somehow but your ways is unacceptable. The principal told me everything. And I made a deal with the principal that if I caught you he'll meet my terms. The right way. "

I try to get up but it's too difficult. I cant hurt Cameron. No matter how much he hurts me. He needs to know the truth but he'll recognize my voice.

He picks me up and tries to take off my beanie and bandana but I pushed him away and ran.

"Shawn he's catching up, go right twice and get out from the gym door."

As I am running I remember my bobby pin! I difficulty grab it out of my pocket and hang on to it with dear life.

I get out from the gym door and push my back against as Cameron tries to open it. I focused as much as I can on the handcuffs and after literally a minute I unlock the handcuffs and run as fast as I can as Cameron fell when he barged open the door.

I reach my bike and try to get on it as fast as I could. And with the one second I got, I rode away.

Rebel - Shameron Where stories live. Discover now