Chapter Fifteen

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Right after that little incident, all Cameron did was smile.

"I cant believe you did that! He goes to a boxing gym and captain of the wrestling team last year. And you beat him with no sweat."

"Well yeah I can't let him say things to you and push you like that. Plus I hate when people use profane words to describe others. Although that's what I did."

"I love you." He says with a giggle.

"I love you too. And are we really boyfriends?" I asked blushing. He notices and smiles.

"Well I want us to be. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked blushing also. I grabbed his free hand and tighten it.

"I'd love to be your boyfriend." I say kissing his cheek.

"Yes!" I laugh and I drink whats left in my cup. Its funny how I put it on a table and then get it without knowing.  I could've sworn that I dropped and spilled it.

I told Cameron if he can stop at my house so I can get something. I take off my bandages so mom doesn't freak out.

"Wait don-" And I stared at my arm and face. Now its just light red patches.

"The hell?"

"Dude your healing is supernatural or something." I laugh and nodded.

"Do you want to come inside?"


We get inside and we're greeted by mom.

"Hey sweetie. What happen to your face and arm?"

"Fell on a tree."

"Oh Shawn. So Cameron how are you doing?"

"I'm good Mrs. Mendes. Thank you."

After a basic conversation, me and Cameron went upstairs and layed on our bed. Then I see the black bag in my closet. I got up and opened it and it's my phone in there and the earpiece. Oh thank goodness. I turn on my phone and layed back down on the bed and set my phone on the cabinet after texting Daniel a thank you message.

"Shaaawn." I turn to Cameron and he shows me a tweet someone posted begging for any live performance at a party. It was Tanner again.

"He's throwing another party?" He nods. "Well tell him good luck."




"I'm still grounded remember? I'm lucky my mom didn't say anything yet."

"I'll convince your mom." I thought about it. I actually really love performing. It gives me a rush of excitement. So I sigh.


We went downstairs to convince her and we sat on the couch with her. She looked at both of us.

"Yes boys?"

"Can me and Shawn go somewhere?" Cameron says.

"I don't know. That would mean he is ungrounded. But he's still grounded for sneaking out." I giggled.

"Mrs. Mendes, it's very special." He says with such sincerity. She raises a brow.

"If it's a good reason then I'll maybe let him go." And that's when I spoke up.

"There's a party who needs a live performance and I can give it to them." And she was surprised.

"You're singing again?" I nod and she smiles.

"And play guitar." Cameron adds.

"Wow! It's your dream right? Or at least close to it. I'm so very proud of you Shawn. You can go but be back by ten." I smiled wide and hugged her.

"Thanks mom."

"Yeah thanks mom!" Cameron says joining us. We laughed.

We went upstairs to change, and we because he wants to use my clothes. Which is a little big on him. We laugh as I pick a basic outfit.

"You're not going to use your hat, beanie, or shades?"

"Just my shades." If my mom is really proud that I'm finally pursuing my dream again, then I'll make sure I'm known.

"Wow. Um o-okay." Cameron seems a bit worried and I know why. I grab his hand and gently squeezed it.

"Cameron don't worry, you and Danny are the only ones I need. And possibly Selene and her friend. No one else will be my friends they'll be more of an acquaintance." He smiles in relief.

"Okay, I got worried there."

"Cameron. No one will ever replace you. I love you okay?" He smiles and he kisses me full of love. I kiss him back and I guess you can say we're making out.

It starts to get heated when we slide our hands into our shirts. I get on top and I gently bit his lip and he turns me around and we got a knock on our door. We immediately jumped and recovered from our little action. And to be honest I'm irritated now.


"Shaawn do you know where Mr. Tiny is?" Aaliyah and her stuffed elephant.

"Yeah, it's in the couch."

"Thank you!" She goes downstairs and I turn to Cameron.

"Aww, Shawn a bit grouchy now?" I sigh but smile.

"I'm just glad she knocked instead of barging in."


We arrived at the party and I walk in with my shades. I didn't bring my guitar because they will provide me with one. I hope. Tanner greets us especially me.

"Wow Shawn. You're alive! Nice shades."

"Thanks. And nice party?" There is like a maximum of twenty people.

"There's not enough because I don't have the mystery singer this time and I doubt he'll come again."

"You're wrong." I say.


"Tanner. Meet the mystery singer." His eyes open and he is jawdropped.

"Shawn? Wha- Ho- oh my god!" He takes his phone out and we gestures if we can have a picture. I nodded.

We walk to the stage and Tanner taps the mic. "You're all very lucky people because the mystery singer is here!"

Instead of cheering they looked around. And I came forward.

"I'm over here." I take off my shades and immediately everyone took pictures. I put them back on. "If you girls and gals want pictures lets make this quick before more people come." Everyone was excited.

After we finished taking pictures I go back up stage.

"Okay now you post them if you want now."

We waited thirty minutes so more people can come but during those thirty minutes I talked to my FANS. More of a Q and A, question and answer. After we were done waiting the floor was packed and loud.

"Okay everyone settle down." I giggled. "I'm Shawn Mendes and I'll be performing today."

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