Chapter Nine

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My heart drops. Everything turns blurry and dark.


"Shawn!" I spring up and I look around me and I'm in Cameron's room still. "Shawn are you okay?"

It was a dream? I breathe fast and Cameron looks worriedly at me.

"I'm fine. I uh had a nightmare." I look at my wrists and they're still covered. "What time is it?"

"Nine thirty-two." I nod.

"I'm gonna go home."

"Okay let me drive you." I nod and smiled.


Thursday Morning

I wake up and I feel less pain. Twice as better than yesterday morning. I'm a fast healer. But I take some pain relievers.

As I got dropped off, Cameron came up to me.

"I'll take your backpack." He says.

"No it's fine." But he takes it anyways and I'm appreciative because it was a bit heavy.

"Wow you're strong." He says as he tries to carry it on his shoulders. I chuckled.

"Yeah I workout."

Nearly all day I thought about that dream. Is that what could've happened? If I moved even the slightest of the bracelets? So many questions filled my head. But I completely push them aside because I still have a rebellion to do.

During lunch time I told Daniel to disable specific cameras for a minute so I don't get caught. And what I did was I got into the ceilings again. I went on top of the principal's office and he wasnt there. So I took out a bag of fake bugs and slided the ceiling tile and dropped them in his desk and seat. I also dropped my special rebel letter saying to PLEASE be fair.

I went back but I came down unpleasantly. I slipped on the pipe and fell down into the restroom.


"Shawn are you okay?" Daniel says from the earpiece.

"Yeah I just slipped."

"Oh god."

I struggle to get up and have balance. Well there goes my healing. Daniel comes inside and locks the door.

"Man you're lucky no one saw." He says helping and cleaning me up.

"Yeah." And I start laughing.

"You crazy idiot, can you walk?" I nod.

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

"Good because we have one minute until the cameras are activated."

Well the custodian is going to be busy here.

So we both head to lunch. And it's kind of hard to walk normally when you fall fifteen feet from a ceiling. But it was a mission success.

When school was over Cameron came up to me and asked if we could hang out again. God the times that I wanted him he doesn't hang with me. And the times I want him to stay away he comes to me.

"I don't know I kinda have plans. Plus I'm grounded." Mostly because I plan on healing my body with sleeping.

"Oh okay." He says disappointed. Oh damn it! Don't give in. He'll find out. The dream! Remember that. Aghhhh!

"You know what? See me at five. We can hang out secretly." I say turning around. And you should've seen the smile on his face.

"You're such a reb-" And my eyes widen a bit. "I mean, sorry."

"No it's okay. I'm a little rebellious." He chuckles and mom picks me up.

We go home and she has a grin.

"So what did you do today?" Mom asks me. And I know what she is really asking.

"Dropped fake bugs and a nice letter in the principal's offi- why am I even telling you this? It's so abnormal!" She laughs.

"Come on sweetie I'm cool. Cool-io."

"Stop mom."

I get home and just lay in bed to rest as much as I can.

I wake up to a knocking on the window. I get up and I see Cameron. I open the window and let him in.

"Geez I was knocking for ten minutes." I look at the time on my phone and its five twenty-five.

"Oh god I'm so sorry I was sleeping." And I'm still sleepy.

"I can tell." He says smiling and jumping to my bed. And then I hear my mom knocking on my door.

"Hey Shawn."

"Crap! Go under my bed." I whispered. He nods and giggled.

I slowly open the door.

"Yeah mom?"

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't know you were sleeping."

"It's fine mom."

"Well okay, but I'm going to work now. Aaliyah is at Rachel's house so you don't have to worry about her. And leftover in the fridge."

I yawned. And blinked slowly.

"Okay." I gave her a hug and a kiss.

"Okay love you. And have a good sleep. You look dead." I laugh.

"Shut up mom. Love you."

She leaves and I leave my door open and lay in bed. Just in case she isn't checking up on me. And I accidently fell asleep.

"Shaaawn." I open my eyes and Cameron is in front of my face.

"Sorry. How long was I out?"

"Two hours." I got up and I feel completely energized and awake. Same thing I guess.

"Oh damn. Sorry Cameron I feel bad. You came here to hang out and I-"

"It's fine. I was actually sleeping too." I laugh. So technically we slept together. Even if he wasn't I hid all my rebel stuff in the locked drawers anyways. Even the clothes I use.

"Well what should we do then?"

"I don't know mayb- I got an idea." He said smiling. "Get dressed it's a little late but the later the better."

"Ooh a surprise." I got dressed with a white t-shirt and a black button up shirt.

"Okay lets get out of here and I'll find my car." I nod and he gets out from the front door and I turn off the lights and bring my wallet and keys.

I wait outside and Cameron comes up and tells me to get in.

"We're going to my house and I'm gonna get changed a little bit. And get my phone. You're going to stay here because my mom and sister are in there."

"Random question but do you have an iPod?"

"Hmph. No. There's no reason for it why?"

"Just wondering."

We got to his house and he runs inside. He comes back with a red flannel and his sister says,

"My babies better stay safe!"

"Shut up Sierra!" He says in a overly "happy" tone. I laugh and we drive off.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Rebel - Shameron Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ