Chapter Eight

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It's still a bit light out and we got our food from a small restaurant so now we're driving to his house and he turns up the radio and starts singing.

"Come on Shawn you can sing!" I laugh and I sing with him. I have to make our time last you know. Who knows if he'll hate me after I tell him I'm the Rebel.

We get to his home and lets me in. I'm immediately face to face to two women.

"Back up! Damn!" Cameron says.

"Who's this sweetie?" The woman says inspecting me. I think.

"Mom. Sierra. This is Shawn."

"What's in the bag? Is it a con-"

"Come on Shawn. Can never give a normal greeting can you?!"

And all the sudden I'm in his room. I'm a bit confused but oh well. Cameron sighs.

"Sorry Shawn my mom and sister can be... Irritating. Yeah. Very irritating." I laugh.

"It's all good."

"Okay so what do you want to watch?"

"Doesn't matter unless it's funny."

We didn't get pizza and ice cream but we got a sandwich and nachos with a milkshake. Before we ate, Cameron plays a movie and we both lay on the bed. Closely. Together. Skin to skin. As we are eating. Touching. You get the idea right? AHHHHHHHH! I'm such a loser.

Throughout the movie we laughed. And at midway nearing the end Cameron got up to throw the trash away in his trash bucket.

"Thanks." And I drink my remaining milkshake. Then I start to get tired. And I close my eyes.


"Shawn?" I hear Cameron says as I was just about sleep.


"Can I ask you something?" My eyes shot wide open and my heart beats fast. I got up and he gets up and closes his door.


"A-are you the rebel?" He says as he's starting to breathe deeply.

Well accidental it is. You know that feeling that when someone says something to you and it's very bad news and your last heart beat is a hard one? Yeah, I just had that. At least I didn't have to tell him. I look and see his window slightly opened. So I looked down and didn't say anything.

"Shawn please tell you're not the one who's been doing all those things."

I look at my hand and the bracelets aren't covering the bruises. He saw them. He put together the pieces. I sat on his bed but remained quiet.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." He turns around and covers his eyes with his hand.

"I'm sorry Cameron." I say as I ran to the window and opened it quickly and jumped off towards a tree since his window doesnt have a roof under it. Or whatever they're called to land on.

I climb quickly down from the tree and run off. With all the practice with Daniel's tree I'm now part monkey. I run as fast as I could and I will be regretting it because my legs will be more sore again. And I'm still sleepy so I'm not as fast as usual.

I ran and ran and he's right behind me.

"Shawn!" Oh man. He probably is going to kill me. Because technically I knew that he needed to know who the rebel was. And he knows.

Before I know it I ran into a forest hopefully that I'll lose him because to be honest I'm lost myself.

After a couple minutes I slowed down. I don't hear him. So I sat down and took a deep breath and started to cry. I pulled out my ph- ipod? Since when the hell did it get inside my poc-

Find my iPod has been activated

Oh crap. (A/N: I don't know if that Find My app says that. I don't have a apple product iPhone or whatever.)

"Shawn!" And I get up and he grabs me with his arms. "Shawn please wait!" I stop squirming and he loosens his grip.

I face him and his eyes are watery and I can feel his rapid heartbeats.

"Shawn... Is that why you tried to get rid of me? Why you cut me off then hang out with me later on? Because you didn't want me to know?"

"Look, Cameron I'm sorry. And to answer your questions, yeah."

"I'm sorry that I hurted you. But you need to stop this."

"No I cant. Not unless everything is fair."

"Shawn please dont do this." He said letting go.

"I'm sorry Cameron." I tossed his iPod and he reach to grab it and I ran.

I tell siri where I am and then I head to Daniel's house.

I reach his house and climb up his tree and knock oh his window a little too loudly.

"Shawn what's wrong?" He lets me in. And I start to tear up again.

All of the sudden as if all the thoughts I should of had before were all locked up and are now rushing through my head.

"Cameron knows and now he'll probably hate me and report me.. It hurts me you know. I really like him and its ironic that he'll turn against me." I say calmly but still tearing up.

"Shawn it's okay. He has no proof." I show him my wrists and the recently discovered bruised on my stomach area. "Thats vague. Anything could have done that." I smile.

"Thanks but is it okay if I stay here for a little bit?" He nods.

"Sure stay here all night if you nee-" A text notification from my phone interrupts him. From mom.

- Shawn please tell me you're not in the police car in front of the house.

Rebel - Shameron Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat