Chapter Ten

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We drive for about thirty minutes and I see a colorful light in the distance. At first I was confused but now I know where we're going. I turn my head to Cameron and he has a grin.

"We're going there?" He nods and a can feel a rush of adrenaline already.

The amusement park!!

Cameron pays for the tickets and we go to the middle of the whole park. There's A lot of people but it's not packed. Cameron looks at me.

"Well which ride should we go to?"

"Lets start simple... Rollercoaster!" I say excited. I grab his hand and get in line for it.

There's not much people so the line is short. I mean instead of a hundred people in line, its thirty. Then we get on once it's our turn. And they buckle us down with that safety thing that comes down. I have no idea what it is called.

"Well everyone there's one thing you should know. And that's don't forget to scream!" And the girl starts the ride.

As it speeds up I'm getting really excited. I turn to Cameron who is a bit nervous. I hold his hand and he looks at me and I smile at him. He smiles back and holds my hand tight. So as we reached the top we got ready and down we go! And we screamed in excitement.

After the rollercoaster ride we go to the carousel where it was filled with mostly kids. Cameron was hesitant at first but I forced him.

We went on more rides and got some cotton candy because why not? And we sat down to eat a little. And then someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey! Remember me? Selene?" I smiled widely.

"Oh hey! I guess we met again very soon." I say laughing. "Cameron this is Selene."

"Hey there." He says waving.

"So where's Liz?" I asked.

"Well she wouldn't get off one of the rides that goes around. Not the ferrris wheel."

"Ohh. And what were you doing?"

"Just walking around."

"Well come sit with us." I say. She nods but we look at Cameron. But he has his head down. And Selene is staring at me to do something.

"Hey have you tried the burgers here?" I slide my hand to his and grabbed it. I feel him turn his head and I can feel his smile. He grips on my hand and Selene smiles.

"Oh yes it's amazing! Better than those McDonald burgers." I say.

"Everything is better than those ugly burgers." Cameron says. And we laughed.

"For real."

"Yeah I mean who the he-" And I was cut off by some yelling.

"Where the hell are they?! It's been an hour! Don't you see more people leaving? It's because its getting boring!"

"Well they won't be able to perform today sorry boss!"

"Well we need live music! I don't care who!"

Cameron turns to me and I shook my head.

"Oh bummer oh well." I say.

"Shaaawn." I continue to drink my juice but he keeps poking me.

"I cant. I don't have my shades. Then people will know who I am."


"So I did that the last time."


"I'm not doing it."

"Do what?" Selene asked.

Rebel - Shameron Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant