Chapter Eight

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Any time that Lucy left Kensington Palace, the media followed her. Any time that Lucy left the Kensington Palace quietly, the media somehow followed her. Any time that Lucy left Kensington Palace for the a charity event, the media frenzied. When Lucy stood in front of the cameras at an event, she went immediately blind.

The charity event was like every other, with the bright flashes of light at the beginning and then moving inside toward the end of the line. The loud yells were there, calling Lucy's name. Harry stayed close beside her, like he always did. After the flashing lights, the couple followed the line and went inside the event.

The art centre bloomed with masterpiece works of color and beauty. Sculptures lined the entrance way and weaved throughout the crowd. Lucy always did her best to stay away from them, and with her belly now, she was especially careful. Lovely artworks were placed on the walls.

Harry led Lucy through the crowds that gathered in the front to the back. It didn't take long for people to come up and talk to them. Usually, people were hesitant in the beginning, not wanting to bother the royals. However, the royals job was to be there and talk to people. Soon, lines formed around them to talk with them. Harry liked to keep people rolling through while Lucy mostly smiled and gave small comments. The thing about Lucy at events, she was quiet normally. Ever since her first events with Harry, she preferred to stand behind him and watch, with small comments here and there. At events where she alone, she came out of her shell more. Yet, Lucy never showed her normal personality.

Lucy's normal personality was to drop into the situation, but that didn't work here. Wherever they went, Lucy was the outcast. She wasn't born into royalty, thus she didn't have much training. Catherine had more training, but even then Lucy was different than the Duchess of Cambridge. It was because Lucy was American that there were cultural differences between her and everyone else. Sometimes it was more noticeable than others, but it was there. Sometimes it was the smaller things than the bigger problems, but it still existed.

Leaning over, she whispered in Harry's ear, "I'm off to the toilet." Lucy excused herself.

The toilets were located in the far back of the art centre. At least it was quiet away from the crowds. Before exiting the restrooms, Lucy made sure she was perfect in the mirrors. Her dress glided over her curves, around her belly, and she let the dress flutter out. She fixed her hair in the mirror briefly and then checked her jewelry. The fear of losing jewelry was always in the back of her mind.

Exiting the restrooms, the hallway back to the main room was long but narrowed with tiny nooks and indents. That was how she didn't even see a paparazzo jump out of the nook. Shadows casted from the dim lights. He automatically flashed his camera at her and after a second of shock, Lucy smiled nicely at him. A small amount of pride managed to flood through her because she hadn't immediately defended herself upon someone jumping out of the shadows.

The paparazzo lowered his camera for a second, but his phone recorded everything, she noticed. It hung from a necklace and looked at Lucy. The paparazzo had lied and waited for her.

"Excuse me," she said nicely, side-stepping the paparazzo.

"A moment," he said, reaching toward her.

Lucy automatically stepped back; he blocked her path now. No one was allowed to touch her, not unless she reached for them first. It was for safety. But that rule was for crowds. This was different. Lucy knew this was wrong but curiosity flooded through her, even though her defenses were up.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm just going get more photos of you."

"You have enough," Lucy snapped, and then gave another smile. He recorded everything. "If you'll excuse me, I must rejoin the party. They'll notice I'm gone for too long." She stepped around him, and he blocked her path.

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