Chapter Sixty

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2 July 2027

The next day, Lucy was officially rested up enough to have visitors and be wheeled out to see her baby girls. Harry was with her and the babies all night, going back and forth. When she slept, Harry went and visited the girls. There hadn't been any problems since, so they were hopefully in the clear. Only time would tell.

In the morning, Harry wheeled Lucy into the intensive care unit to see her little girls, who were still labeled at Baby A, Baby B and Baby C. Lucy wanted to stand but was forced to sit to see her daughters at eye level. Baby A was first by being closest to the door, and tears threatened to fall from her eyes once again. Lucy didn't want that, but her daughters were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Lucy smirked slightly, how she used to hate this feeling. She used to hate these moments, but now she longed for them. She longed to see this kind of beauty in the world. Baby B was just as beautiful. When Lucy came to see Baby C, who was smaller than the others, but she was just as beautiful. Lucy pressed her hand to the glass.

"Luce," Harry said quietly behind her, "I have to go get the boys. Will you be okay?"

She nodded.

Giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, he took leave.

Lucy sat in the room alone with her little girls breathing deeply through tubes. Their small bodies, one could fit in her hand, were sprawled out along the room. Harry went to get the boys, so they could meet their younger sisters. Hopefully they would've been okay with seeing their sisters like this, but Lucy knew her sons and they would be fine.

The boys had apparently been asking about their little sisters non-stop to Catherine and William and their cousins. The boys apparently asked whoever was in earshot, which included all nannies, butlers, maids and family member. Unfortunately for everyone, no one knew. The boys refused to go to sleep the previous night unless they talked to their parents. Harry talked to his sons but he didn't make them all calmer. It wasn't until Lucy took the mobile and smiled through the pain she felt that the boys were reassured. The boys asked about their little sisters, with Lucy's belly obviously gone, and she told the boys that they were fine. She didn't like to lie to her boys, but she didn't want to scare them. Lucy told them to sleep, but they only did that after they made her promise that they could see her tomorrow and their little sisters. Lucy agreed, since she missed her boys too.

Lucy didn't know how long she sat in the room, just listening to the machines, before the sound of running feet came from the hallway. Then the doors opened and the boys spilled in. Henry climbed up on his mum, and she swallowed a groan from the pain. Her arms curled around her younger son, holding him tightly. Freddie watched quietly from the side before his mum turned to him, extending her arms. She pulled him into her lap, kissing his head. Holding them close, Lucy didn't want to let go.

"I love you, Mummy," Freddie whispered.

"Me too," Henry said.

Kissing them again, her grip on them tightened. "I love you, kiddos, more than you'll ever know."

Harry watched his wife and sons for a moment, as the boys missed her more than him. It made his heart ache, surely, but he was happy for it. He knew that Lucy was a great mother, and always would've been.

"Mummy," Henry said, "are those our sisters?"

"They're very small," Freddie commented.

"Yeah, they are, but they'll get bigger," she promised them. "They'll be as big as you someday."

"What are our little sisters' names?" Freddie asked.

Lucy's eyes swept over to her husband, and Harry stepped forward. He pointed to Baby A. "That's Louise--"

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