Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Be quiet," Lucy whispered to Harry. "You'll wake him up."

"You really want me thinking about our child at a moment like this?" he asked.

"You'll be fine. Worse things have been said." She kept her voice at a whisper. "We don't know how much time we have."

Harry chuckled. "Horny teenagers?"

She hushed him.

"You really think he can hear us?"

She hushed him again.

"Fine, fine, fine." Harry continued with what he did. "I can't believe we're doing this finally."

"Would you hurry up?" Lucy asked.

"I want to take my time." Harry's hands ran along Lucy's skin, up and down her body, and then gripped onto his wife. "Do you like this?" he asked with a smirk.

"We are on limited time."

Harry sighed.

"We penciled this in for a reason."

"If someone wasn't late this morning," Harry stated.

"Hey, you would've been late too if you had been at that event. They had needy children... and chocolate cake. I like chocolate cake."

Harry rolled his eyes and arched his back. "I'm almost there."

"Hurry up."

"You're supposed to be enjoying this."

"I had my fill."

"Of chocolate cake?"

"No, there is always room for that."

"I'm almost there."

"Good job."

"You expect me to get this done with you constantly being sarcastic?"

"It's worked before."

Harry grunted and arched his back some more, getting a better angle. And just like that, Freddie began to cry a few rooms over. The baby monitor was no longer needed when Freddie had a good pair of lungs on him.

"Damn it," Lucy muttered.

"Already there." Harry sighed while a smile. "Did you enjoy it?"

"Very much so." Lucy rolled her eyes. "Now, please find me my panties. We need to get him."

"I'll go." Harry got off his wife and the bed. "It'll be easier for me."

Quickly grabbing his underwear and pants, he put them on and headed to his son's room. Lucy was left on the bed, smiling at the ceiling. Slowly, her eyes closed as Freddie's cries lessened until he silenced. Lucy remained laying there until Harry came back and climbed back into bed with his wife.

"What did he need?" she asked.

"Some Daddy-Freddie time," Harry responded. "Immediately when I walked in, he quieted down." His blue eyes gleamed at her. "It's curious."

"What else?"

"Nothing." Harry shrugged. "He lied back down in his crib."

Lucy paused.

"I told you: it's like he knows." Harry smiled at her. "But since we have time and no more events today, I think we should have some... alone time." He kissed her. "There is no one coming in and out of our home." He kissed her. "There is no one here but us and Freddie, and he is fine." He kissed her. "So, maybe we should take this time to... continue."

In the afternoon light, Harry continued to kiss her, half laying on her. Lucy chuckled and then kissed back. Her fingers played with Harry's hair. His hands touched her body again. Harry's face hovered above hers again. Harry's body hovered above hers again. Then Freddie started to cry again, loud enough that it bounced off the walls.

"How does he know?" Harry exclaimed.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "It's time to get up."

He groaned.

"Come on," she said. "Let's go be adults." Lucy moved away from her husband and started getting dressed quickly. "Go get Freddie and bring him downstairs. He's probably hungry."

Harry kissed Lucy on the cheek and grabbed a shirt. Lucy heard Harry reach Freddie's room after he quieted. Lucy grabbed her own underwear and pants, as well as a bra and t-shirt. She went downstairs to greet her son, who kicked away from his father. Harry tried to hold his son close but Freddie kicked everything he could.

"Put him down, Harry," Lucy said. Harry did, and Freddie immediately fell to his knees and began to crawl, leaving the kitchen. "I'll follow him. Harry, make food, would you?"

"Yep," Harry agreed. "Have fun on your adventure."

Lucy followed the crawling Freddie out of the kitchen and into the dining room. He aimed himself to the living room and headed there, at an oddly fast pace. Once Freddie reached the living room, his fingers grabbed a hold of a seat cushion and pulled himself up onto his feet. He almost fell down again but he held dearly onto the seat cushion. His mother watched him from the doorway. Then Freddie glanced around, his blue eyes shining at his mother.

"Okay, kiddo," she said, "show me what you got."

If Freddie needed any more encouragement, he didn't let on. His feet moved slightly as he pushed away from the couch. He put one foot in front of the other, and then the other, and then the other. And then Freddie fell down.

"It's okay, kiddo. Try again."

Freddie got up and tried to walk again. He barely moved by the time he fell again.

Lucy moved forward. His blue eyes met his mother's green eyes. "Don't be afraid to fall. People do it all the time. Just pretend to do it with grace."

It was almost like Freddie knew, because he pushed himself onto his feet again. He tried to walk again.

"Harry," she called, "come see what your son is doing."

It took a minute but when Harry walked in, he was left in awe. He gawked at his son, who moved around the room at a snail's pace but still moved on two feet. Freddie fell more than he stood up but he got back up. He had a lot of his mother in him too apparently. Freddie got to his feet again and moved, and then he fell.

"We're supposed to help him," Harry said.

"Yeah." Her eyes watched her son.

Harry snickered. "That means we help hold him up as he moves."

Lucy shrugged. "He's learning how to deal with hard situation. If you fail, you try again. If you fall, you get up again. You walk again." Her gaze turned to her husband. "You should be proud."

"I am, of my son and of my wife."

"Now why me?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Want to finish the food and I'll help our son?"

"I guess." Lucy went into the kitchen.

He closed in on his son and took the baby's hands. "As much as I love to see you try, I'm going to help you. It is the same way I should help your mother in the kitchen with the food so that she doesn't start a fire." The little boy's eyes gleamed at him. "Yeah, you already know her cooking is bad. Promise me you'll never say it to her face?"

Freddie tried to walk and Harry helped him.

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