Let's Play~

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"Hey Pine Tree, let's do something!" Bill said "We should play a game!"

"What kind of game?" Dipper asked as he read a page of the journal.

"Hide and Seek, but I'm making my own rules!"

Dipper shrugged "Okay

"Let's see, If I find you, I get to do something with you and if I don't find you, you win"

The brunette dropped his book and smirked "Okay, you count and I hide"

Bill nodded and closed his eyes "1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Dipper ran out of the Shack and running into the woods, he searched for a place until he saw a log.

"- Ready or not! Here I come!" Bill said, he searched everywhere in the Shack but Dipper wasn't in there. "Hmm, where is he?"

"He'll never find me" Dipper snickered, He heard the crunch of boots on the ground, Dipper stood still, his breath was the only sound, then-


"Ah!" Dipper yelped as he hit his head "Ow"

"Come on out Pines" Bill said, leaning on a tree, a satisfied smirk on his face, he looked over to see Dipper coming out the log and rubbing his head.

"Remember our deal"

Dipper's eyes widened, Let's just say, both a very nice evening ;)

WillDip/BillDip Drabbles+ One shots (THIS ONESHOTS BOOK IS BACK!)Where stories live. Discover now