Chapter 2

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Madison's P.O.V.


Gigi handed me a sandwich and a banana in a brown paper bag. I wasn't in the mood to eat. Nor was I in the mood to even move a muscle. I was grateful, but that isn't it.

"Please?" Gigi pleaded as she knelt down in front of me. After a few seconds, she sat beside me, her shoe squeaked against the cold white tile.

Everything was least...everything was. It was all normal. I wake up. I worked. I went to school. I worked more. I worked. I worked. I worked. I slept. Repeat. I work because I have goals. I want everything to change. I don't want our lives stuck in the bottom. I want so much, but can only do little. How frustrating is that?

I was working until midnight once while Megan stayed home with mom since her shift ended before dinner time. After a day of scrubbing, serving, cleaning, wiping, I finally went home praying no one was awake. All I wanted to do was get to bed, even with an empty stomach.


The voices startled me as I flicked on the lights in the house. Megan and mom were still awake, and Gigi was with her mom. They're here! Why? "What's going on?" I asked, taking my coat off immediately. It was Gigi's and her mom didn't know she lent it to me, but it looks like she didn't notice it at all.

"We just thought of spending a very late dinner together!" Gigi beamed.

"If only you told me a while ago, I should have clocked out earlier." I said, making everyone laugh.

"Now where would the surprise be if that's the case?" mom chimed in. "Come, let's eat, sweetheart. You had a long day." she gestured for me to sit and everyone took their seats.

I sat in between mom and Gigi at the table. Looking at the food, it was a feast! Not just a simple dinner. You see, every Saturday, we have dinner at Gigi's house. Her mom is just the nicest person in the planet. A single mom as well. You can guess why my mom got along. She loves having my family for company, as if we were really her family. She is apparently mom's doctor too. Dr. Karen Jones. Such a small world, I know. In a house as small as ours, my world is a small one.

"Seriously, what's up?" I asked. "It's not Saturday..."

"Well, Madison. There's a ton to celebrate today." Dr. Jones stated. "First of all, your mom's health is very good so far."

"Really? Yes!" I gave mom a hug and she laughed. "You said first, so there's more?!" I said excitedly. It felt like Christmas. Well, smash together three Christmases together.

"I have a birthday present for you." she smiled and all her pearly white teeth showed.

"My birthday is next month, Dr. Jones. It's a bit early." I protested. "Plus, you don't have to give me anything. I'm fine as I am now."

"It's just a small something for all your hard work, of course! Everyone turns 18 only once in their lives." she said as she got the platter of mashed potatoes that smelled like heaven on earth. "Gigi, why don't you tell her yourself?" she looked at Gigi, and she started squealing.

"Mom, no!" she said, laughing. "I told you to do it!"

"It'd be more fun when you say it yourself."

"Megan, you do it!" Gigi called for my sister.

"Okay, I will!" Megan said, raising her hands, surrendering. "I wish you'll find your way to forgive me, Mads...I got myself in some of your stuff one day..."

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