Chapter 9

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Song: "Breaking Down" by Florence + The Machine


As expected mom was hungry, thirsty, impatient, and surprisingly talkative despite knowing how dry her throat is. We called the nurse at reception and she came in along with Dr. Jones who was very relieved and grinning from ear-to-ear when she entered the room. I finally had a breath of fresh air after what felt like decades. 

The nurse was bringing a cup of ice chips and Dr. Jones checked all of mom's vitals. I on the other hand was trying my best to hold in the tears of happiness. I thought I will never see mom wake up. She was fine in her blood pressure and all, and it felt good to hear Dr. Jones' feedback upon mom's wake. 

"It's good to have you back, Liz." she says and then turns to us. "We'll discuss other things later, girls. But right now she's all yours. I'll come back later this evening, okay?" both Meg and I nodded frantically and Dr. Jones left gracefully outside as well as the nurse.

I can't believe my mother's finally awake. Megan ran straight to her embrace, and I still felt that everything was still a dream. Mom held out her other hand, trying to reach for me. I look at Will who was wearing a smile I couldn't fathom, he looks at me with teary eyes that didn't dare let lose and signals me to go, reassuring me that everything was real.

"Come here, my brave, beautiful, darling girl." mom swallows a sob. I felt my foot move. One step after the other, until all three of us Philips women were complete once more. I felt mom's kiss on my cheek and I lost it even more, crying on her neck. "You've done so much. Both of you did." she looks at both of us. "No mother is most proud than I. I wouldn't imagine living this long if it weren't for all of your hard work and sacrifices when I only did was at least try to be the best mother you could have and provide for my two daughters. You provided for me instead."

We stayed in that embrace until God knows how long. Megan and I tried to fill in mom all the details she needed to know the past days, well what happened to her at least.

I let Megan do the talking because the guilt was eating me up. I knew I was going to have the talk, but then when she turned to me, she didn't look angry at all. "Madison Lee Philips." She says and butterflies in my stomach wanted to come out of my body.

"It's Madison Thompson now actually." I whispered. Instead of a sermon, I got the biggest hug instead from her which surprised me.

"Mads. You didn't have to go to that extent." She says as she strokes my hair. "I love your choice of hair color though."

Oh, mom. We'd be in an apocalyptic situation and she'd be making us all laugh. "I know, mom. He's not only going to take care of me. He'll take care of all of us." I look at William who was patiently watching us from the sofa. He knew I was calling for him even without any words being said.

He stood up and walked at the foot of the bed. I had a feeling that he was nervous to meet my mom, and that I knew he misses his mother as well.

"Mom, this is Will, my husband. We got married on my Vegas." I felt myself flush myself beet red.

"William Thompson, ma'am." He holds my mother's hand and kisses it.

"Well, Madison. He is a gentleman. And Will, you can call me 'mom' as well now." She said, beaming at him.

"Mom..." Will mouths the word, trying it. I know it hurts for him, and I know it will since my mother is already suffering like his mom did, but nevertheless, mom made Will feel as if he had a mother again.

"Yes, mom, darling boy." She then turns to me. "So you two won't have a formal wedding?"

I don't know..."Yes, we will. Your presence is required of course." Will interupts my thoughts. It was my turn to look at him as if he grew horns. My heart melted a bit and I was reminded of the supposed to be conversation with him.

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