Chapter 11

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Song: "Into the Black" by Chromatics


I didn't know that getting married would mean getting a lot of attention from people I ignore and those who chose to ignore me. But I guess this is happening because I did not just marry any other guy I've just met, but it had to be someone who can have it all.

I didn't like this kind of attention that makes me feel like every guy in the campus is undressing me every time they see me, and that every girl in school would like to tear my head off for getting their boyfriend's attention. No need to worry about that, I'm married.

What I do like is that I became a repellent for those people I don't like because of a lot of things. 

People started to treat me differently. Teachers and the administrators were kinder and polite. Maybe because George can look very intimidating, or perhaps they really did know.

"This slut slept with a CEO and now she's getting the royal treatment."

"Ugh, I know! She's not even pretty for God's sake!"

"But I still can't move on on how she seduced him! What a gold digger!"

I opened the cubicle's door when I heard them leave the restroom. I know the reason why George was hired, and I wished that he was here to kick their asses off my business, but unfortunately, George doesn't have what it takes to be in a female restroom. Plus, I don't like getting the 'royal treatment' those girls said nor what George told me about Margaret.

Maybe I am a slut...maybe I am a gold digger after all.

I washed my hands and took a good look in the mirror. I started school in a good mood, and I end it with a sour one. This just means that there will be more to come.

When I was done, I went out and saw George outside with Gigi.

"Hey, Mads! I have to go somewhere. Are you okay by yourself?" She asks with a worried expression.

"Yeah, it's fine." I forced a smile.

"You don't look good. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Just tired." I shrugged. "I'll see you tomorrow, Gi." I opened my arms to give her an embrace.

"Cool! Tell your mom I said hi!" She waved off and went on her way.

"Will do!" I reply as I watch her leave until it was only George and I.

"Mr. Thompson wants to apologize for not being able to pick you up, Madison. He's stuck in a meeting and asks me to drive you to the hospital." He says as we went to the exit.

"Oh, okay. Can I call him?" I asked.

George looks at me as if I was a clown or some sort of comedic entertainment. "He's not my husband." He replies and mentally I was face palming myself.

I rolled my eyes and called Will. It took him three rings before he answered. Knowing him, he should be busy on the phone with someone else or still be in his meeting.

"Hello, Madison. Sorry I couldn't make it to pick you up. Are you okay there?" His voice instantly made my heart warm.

"It's okay. You're probably still busy right now. I just wanted to call you." Because I want to hear your voice all day than listening to my teachers, what have you done to me?

"Yeah, I'm still in a meeting right now." Oh, looks like I disturbed him.

"Okay. I-I-I didn't mean to disturb, sorry. I was gonna ask what you'd want for dinner tonight?" I looked around the hallways and there were only a few students left.

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