Dreams about Senpai

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"Earhquake cave, huh?" Bonnie said "Not the most reassuring name."

"Yes I know" Clemont nodded "But this is the closest way to the pokemon centre"

"Yup" Ash agreed.

On noticing that Serena, who had been walking in front of the other three, hadn't spoken for a while he asked "Why so silent Serena? Something wrong?"

Without bothering to turn back she replied with a plain "Nothing" and continued her hands-locked-at-back walk.

But in honesty she was thinking about about something.

Her dream to be specific, in which she was holding Ash's hand.

Just holding hands, that's all. But for Serena, it was enough, infact better than enough.

Ever since she woke up that morning, her dream had been playing over and over again in her head.

And whenever she would make eye-contact with Ash, she would glance down at his hands, blush in embarrassment and turn away.

A slow rumbling noise snapped her into reality.

"What was that ?" Bonnie asked, slowly scooting over to Clemont.

Everyone knew exactly what it was. The cave. The earthquake cave.

But they were too scared to speak or even move.

Before any of them could do anything the rocks on the cave's ceiling, right above Serena gave way.

She tripped on her feet in an attempt to get away and fell head-first. The last thing she heard was Ash yell out her name before the whole world went black.

Still in a semi-dazed state, she saw Ash come running and sitting down in front of her.

Because of all the extra fantasised dreams she'd been having about her crush, she assumed even this was nothing more than a dream.

In her 'dream', Ash slowly put his hand on her cheek; "Serena, can you hear me ?" he asked "Please wake up".

She heard that touch and felt that touch very clearly. Actually very very clearly, so clear that it almost felt real.


This fact snapped her awake and she saw the real Ash put his real hands on her cheek.

Her face turned a bright ruby. So red that anyone could've mistaken her for a magicarp in a dress.

On seeing her awake, Ash's worried face lit up. Taking both her hands into his he said "Thank goodness you're okay. You got all of us worried sick"

"Pi pikachu"

Serena couldn't respond, her eyes were locked on their held hands and her mouth automatically zipped shut.

Oh and her face went up a shade.

Before she could even get her messed up brain to start working again, Ash pulled her into a hug.

"I am so sorry" he apologized "I just stood there like a dumb idiot instead of helping you.
"I promise I'll never let that happen again."

Serena was stunned.

If there was ever any books written on how to act around senpai. You can bet it wouldn't have a chapter named 'what to do when senpai hugs you'. Because stuff like that happened in dreams.

So, if even a non-existent book which was supposed to solve all problems couldn't solve it; a person who was already a blushing mess, didn't stand a chance.

Pulling back from the hug, taking her hands into his again, he said "To think we almost lost you. Do you know how scared we were? Please, please, please don't do that again 'kay"

After that, Serena's world went all blurry. Both in sight and hearing.

Whatever Ash said only came out in bits and fragments -

" ... Does your head still hurt ... "
" ... Are your knees scraped... Let me help ..."
" ... Do you want me to help you up ..."

The love of her life was scared that he almost lost her; the love of her life cares so much for her.

So like any other person, who was stuck in this position would do, Serena fainted. 

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