Couple for a night

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"Leave the room!" Bonnie yelled, half-asleep "I don't want you here! You're all ugly"

Ash and Serena were standing near her hospital room with confusion written all over their face and for help they turned to Clemont who was sitting on the stool beside the bed almost on the verge of tears.

Tears of laughter, that is.

His face was pursed up in a mushed up way and he was clutching his stomach; the moment Bonnie said "What is that thing?" to the pillow, he lost it.

"I-It's the medicine" he snorted, trying his best to suppress his laughter "She s-still hasn't recovered from it's eff-f-fects"

While running around recklessly in a garden that they found, Bonnie had a bad fall. This resulted in her being rushed to the hospital and getting stitches all over her bruised leg. Right now, she was talking total garbage since, as Clemont said, the medicine hadn't worn off yet.

After Bonnie muttered something incomprehensible, she flopped back into the bed and fell asleep. Nurse Joy walked up to them saying "It's better if you leave her alone and let her have some rest"

Nodding in agreement, Ash and Serena left the hospital and decided to take a little walk around town for a while and return after an hour or so.

They were walking on the footpath of a pretty deserted part of the town. It was so deserted that there were a couple of tumbleweeds rolling around and almost all the stores were closed, even though it was still four in the evening.

"So Ash, are you all fired up for your battle against Wulfric?" Serena asked.

"Sure I am!" Ash replied "After I win that battle I will be able to participate in the Kalos League. I want to win thi-"

"I found one, Jojo!" a loud voice interrupted. Without even a prior warning, a boy about their age came running and grabbed Pikachu right off Ash's shoulder and sprinted away into the intersection up ahead.

"Hey!" Ash and Serena yelled and attempted to chase him but were interrupted by a girl, about their age with black hair and purple streaks on it. She jumped in front of them, threw a smoke bomb and snickering, she ran away to find her partner.

After a lot of coughing and smoke-in-their-faces, Ash and Serena opened their eyes and saw the girl turning right into a small alley much further away from the intersection.

So much for the "epic" getaway.

Smiling at the thieves' foolishness, the two of them ran behind them only to find a club with a muscular bouncer standing in front of it. On top of the door was a sign with the words "C  pl s D n e".

"Someone took my Pikachu and ran in here!" Ash yelled "I need to get him back!"

"Read the sign kid" the bouncer said, rather matter-of-factly and went back to his stiff facial expression.

While Ash was failing pathetically in getting the bouncer to change his mind, Serena was trying to figure things out. It didn't take time to figure out that the "C pl s D n e" was actually "Couples Dance". Her mind went back to all the times she had heard about these places and she knew that there was only way they could get in.

Shrugging off the embarrassing consequences, she grabbed Ash's hand and with her face bright red, she stuffed the interlocked fingers in the bouncer's face and yelled "We are a couple! You have to let us in!"

The bouncer nodded and opened the door. Ignoring a very confused Ash who yelled out a very confused "What!", Serena dragged him into the club.

The music was loud and the flimsy lights in the overcrowded room was barely enough to light it up. Blushing and stuttering like crazy, Serena turned to Ash and said "I-I'm real-ll-y sorry, but that was the only way we could get in"

Because of the extreme darkness Ash totally missed the red face (not that he would get it, even if he saw it) and smiling in realization he said "Then what are we waiting for! Let's get Pikachu back and get out of here!".

He pushed through all the people there completely forgetting that he was dragging Serena along, because their hands were still interlocked.

When they finally reached the stage, they saw the guy from before and Pikachu locked up in a cage beside him. The crowd was chanting the "Nick! Nick!" and the dude was living off that glory.

Yelling at the top of his lungs he announced "Y'all see this Pikachu. Well, to earn this little guy, you need to prove that you and your bae are the best couple in this room!"

The crowd slightly quieted down to mumbles, most of which were "It's just a measly Pikachu" or "The price is not worth it."

Serena turned to look at Ash. His eyes were downcast and he was gritting his teeth in the total helplessness of the situation. Serena felt extremely bad. She knew how much Pikachu meant to Ash, she remembered all the times he was ready to sacrifice himself for that pokemon, heck he was ready to jump off the prism tower for Pikachu.

Her free hand balled up and her head spinning with the craziest plan ever, she shouted "Hey!", grabbing the attention of all the people there and also Nick.

Once she was sure everyone was looking, she turned around, grabbed Ash by the collar and kissed him.

"OOoOooOoooOOooh" the crowd cooed and laughing Nick yelled "Looks like we have our winners!"


Ash and Serena made sure to walk a considerable distance away from each other while walking back to the hospital.

Even though she was blushing like crazy and even though she knew that she could never look at Ash the same way ever again, she couldn't help but smile. Ash was the guy of her dreams and that moment was way too perfect to try and forget.

As for Ash, he was still dazed. It might have happened over five minutes ago or maybe even a day ago, he couldn't stop himself from replaying it over and over again in his head. "What was that?!" he asked himself "WHAT WAS THAT?!".  And however hard he tried he couldn't shake it off.

Pikachu was walking on the ground in between the two and was observing their hilarious reactions. He knew this was something his trainer wouldn't forget in a really long time. Laughing to himself he secretly thanked Bonnie for the wonder she had made possible.


Bonnie - Making Amourshipping happen even when she's hospitalized.

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