Chapter 7

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Nina Dobrev as Chanel

I was awaken by the loud banging on my door and I mentally cursed as I grabbed my gun from under my pillow, for in case whoever is out there tries to attack me.
I left my room and headed towards the door and looked through the door hole, to see it was Ryder. I dropped the gun to my side and opened the door, fixing a deadly glare on him. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at the gun in my hand.
"Really? You were going to shoot me?" He asked bemused.
"Well I was actually planning on killing the bastard who woke me up from my beauty sleep, but your death will only lead to me" I replied with a bitter smile.
"Who were those guys from yesterday and what did they want with you?" I asked and I actually saw some concern in his eyes, but I kept my face blank.
"They were two of my father's men and they were sent to take me to him, but it wasn't quiet the right time yet" I said with a shrug.
"Dakota, you can't keep doing this. They can kill you" Ryder said reaching out for me, but I stepped back.
"They can't really do anything to me" I told him confidently.
"Dakota, you will go back to London, you will be saver there" He said and I scoffed.
"I'll leave when I'm done. Now if you will excuse me, I need to get dressed" I said before slamming the door in his face and locking it.
I went back into my room and hid the gun under my pillow again before walking over to my closet.
After getting dressed, I did my hair and applied my make-up before grabbing my stuff and heading out the door.
When I arrived on campus I saw Cedric and his crew walking over to me, the girls were looking at me with pleading eyes so I knew something was about to hit me.
"You know that movie night we were talking about?" Lorraine asked and I slowly nodded.
"Well we thought it might be a good idea if you stay with us till Sunday, since the first night it will be all of us and the second night we split up from the boys and do whatever we want and they can do whatever they want. So will you be able to make it?" Chanel asked with pleading eyes and Cedric was looking at me amused.
I sighed in defeat. "Sure, I'll be there" I said. Cedric seemed to enjoy my defeat as his lips formed a smirk.
During the day Ryder seemed to have found out about my plans for the weekend and he, Shaw, Gred and Dallas have been trying to corner me the whole day, but I easily dodged them.
After my last class I saw Cedric has been cornered by Ryder, Greg, Shaw and Dallas at the parking lot and I mentally cursed at them. Cedric only seemed to be smirking as Ryder told him something and I must say this actually amuses me.
"Dakota" Cedric called out, waving me over when he saw me looking at them. I slowly made my way over there and Cedric pushed pass them as he made his way over to me.
"You dearest brother is threatening me about your plans for this weekend, by telling me to stay away. Do you agree with him?" Cedric asked and an amused smirk made its way into my face.
"Do what you want, but he really has no say over me" I said giving a pointed look at Ryder.
"See, there's your sisters answer" Cedric said giving them a cocky grin.
"You were warned Knight" Ryder said before directing a glare at me and walking off.

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