Chapter 11

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Zac Efron as Dallas

My head was throbbing as I groggily opened my eyes. I noticed that I was in a dark room, so I couldn't really see anything around me, but by the bad stench in the room I am sure that I am locked in a basement.
I tried moving my hands from behind my back, only to realise that my hands had been tied together with rope. Super! (Note the sarcasm)
The door opened and a bright light shone through and I squinted my eyes as I let them adjust to the brightness.
I heard two familiar chuckles and saw the two guys my father send to campus the other day to get me.
"Look who it is. Little Dakota, did you really think you could get rid of us?" The first guy asked as he walked up to me.
"Go scew yourself" I spat making him let out a sinister chuckle.
"I'd rather have you do it" He replied making me snort.
"Sadly your not my type" I shot back.
The guy literally ripped me up from the ground and by doing so, I used my reflexes to kick him in his manhood.
"Stop it with your nonsence" The second guy growled before grabbing my arm and dragging me with him, along with the other guy lagging behind as he held onto his crotch.
We arrived at a huge room, which I am guessing is my father's study, but there was nobody inside.
I felt my hands being untied and the second guy pushed me down onto a chair to sit down.
"Now don't even think about trying anything" The first guy hissed as they both went to stand on each side of the doorway.
Another guy stepped into the room and I noticed the resemblance he has to me and I knew then that he is Arnold, my father.
"Well I see they have finally retrieved you" He said as he glared at both guys and then at me.
"Rot in hell" I hissed. Arnold's eyes flashed with anger and he ripped me up by my hair.
"Do not speak unless you are told to" He snarled before throwing me towards one of the guys and kicked the chair away.
"Well I see why my mother didn't want to tell me about you. You are a monster" I said with a smirk, which earned me a slap in the face.
"Bloody bastard" I muttered.
"What was that?" He asked and I glared at him.
"Are you deaf? I called you a bloody bastard" I snapped with a bitter smile.
"She's exactly like you, boss" The second guy said with a chuckle.
"But maybe I could be worst" I replied, earning me yet another slap.
"She is nothing like me and nothing to me" Arnold replied in disgust.
"Yea it's bad enough that I have the same blood as him" I said and that earned me a gun being pointed to my head by Arnold.
"I told you to shut you mouth" He shouted.
"Or what? You'll shoot me?" I challenged raising an eyebrow.
"You may be my daughter, but I could care less about what happens to you" He said and went on. "Maybe I'll let them have some fun with you fist before I kill you" He mused and making my body go rigid.
"Maybe I'll be the one to shoot you in the head first" I spat.
"You little..." He started, but was cut of by shouts and gun shots coming from the hallway.
"Go see what the problem is" Arnold growled at the first guy and the second guy picked me up and held a gun to my back.
A scream went through the hallway before the door burst open and in came Ryder, Cedric, Shaw and Blaze.
"Well, well. If it isn't your gangster brother and gangster boyfriend" Arnold mused with a sinister smirk.
"You leave them out of this. This is our fight" I spat making him chuckle.
"I can easily make it their fight too" He threatened.
"I will bloody kill you" I sneered.
"Kill her" Arnold shouted at the guy holding me as he tried to escape, but the guys cornered him just as some of Arnold's men burst into the room.
"No" I screamed as I threw my head back and hitting the guy holding me in his face, before turning around and kicking the guy in his stomach before grabbing the gun from his hand and shooting him.
"Don't move" I told Arnold as I pointed the gun in his direction.
"Dakota don't" Cedric warned, but I ignored him.
"It's not the right time to kill you yet" I said, but pointed the gun to his leg. "But you deserve an injury" I said before shooting his uper thigh.
"Kill them" Arnold shouted as he clutched his leg.
"Get her somewhere save" Ryder shouted to Cedric.
Cedric grabbed my arm and motioned for me to follow him. He shouted to the others to go out to the car.
Both Cedric and I got into the backseats while Talon and Edric got into the driver and passenger seat and soon Blaze also got into the backseat.
"What the hell was that all about?" Cedirc asked and I could clearly see the concern in his eyes. I let out a deep sigh before deciding to spill the truth.
"Arnold is my biological father and I came here to kill him. I know about my brothers gang and I also know about you all being in a gang" I said and his eyes widened.
"How long have you known?" He asked quietly.
"Since the second day I've known you" I replied and he traced circles on my arm.
"Are you okay?Did you get hurt?" He asked he caressed my cheek where I'm pretty sure I have a bruise.
"What happened?" He asked before I could even answer the first question.
"Arnold hit me" I replied and I flinched when he pushed to hard with his hand on my cheek before taking it away from my face.
I looked out the window and I noticed we were driving on a dirt road and I frowned.
"Where are we going?" I asked looking back at Cedric.
"We're going to my savehouse" He replied and I nodded.
Every gang has different savehouses. There are some savehouses where every gang member lives and sometimes a gang member lives alone in a savehouse and I guess that this is Cedric's case since the house isn't really big.
Cedric told me to follow him up to his room and I can already feel the tension between us and I'm not sure if he is still mad at me about the weekend.
"You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch" He said.
"No, it's your bed, I'll take the couch" I argued.
"But you are my guest" He insisted and I sighed.
"Then we can share the bloody bed" I said awkwardly and well we said nothing more for the rest of the night and just went to bed.

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