Chapter 18

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It's my third day living at the savehouse and I have barely spend any time with Cedric. He has been cooped up with gang business.
Strange to think that on campus Cedric looks like this normal guy, but at home he's always busy with work.
The girls have been keeping me company, but they can see I'm hurting. Cedric has also been a little overprotective, making sure I'm not doing anything that will hurt me since I still have injuries.
"Dakota, stop looking so glum" Chanel said as she sat down beside me on the couch.
"I can't. For the firts time in my life, I actaully feel useless. Cedric barely lets me do anything" I snapped with a scowl on my face.
"You can't blame him for being protective of you" Saige said from where she sat on the floor, facing me.
I scoffed. "He has crossed the line of being protective. I hate being cooped up here. The only thing to do around here is watch tv and use the gym, which he doesn't let me do" I said throwing my hands in the air.
"She has a point" Lorraine said, but she froze when I glared at her. I am actually jealous of her.
"At least you can spend time with Shaw. Cedric and I have been together for four days and we have barely spend any time together" I said, which made them look at me with wide eyes.
"Never thought those words would be coming out of your mouth" Saige said making me frown.
"Why?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Well you seem like this confident girl who can take out anybody, but not really as a girl who goes on about relationships" Chanel explained and I scowled at her.
"Shut up" I whined using a pillow to cover my now red face.
"Oh my gosh, you're actaully blushing" Lorrainr blurted out, which made them burst out laughing.
"Who is blushing?" I heard Cedric ask as he, Edric, Blaze and Talon entered the living room.
"Dakota" Lorraine said and I glared at her.
"No, I'm not" I hissed, throwing the pillow at her.
I felt myself being lifted up from the couch by Cedric who put me back down on the ground.
"I missed you" He whispered placing his hand under my chin.
"I'm sure you did" I replied sarcastically, before walking up to mine and Cedric's room.
"Dakota" Cedric called out, but I ignorned him and continued walking towards our room.
Once I got to the room I grabbed my sketch pad and pencil before going to sit down on the bed. Cedric was actually shocked when he found out I love art.
"Dakota, what's wrong?" Cedric asked when he burts into the room.
"Nothing, everything is just fine" I replied sarcastically once again.
"Stop with the sarcasm, Dakota" Cedric snapped which made me look up at him.
"Now you have a problem with my sarcasm?" I questioned making him let out a deep sigh.
"What's your problem?" He asked looking at me with wide eyes.
"You're my problem Cedric. We've barley spend any time together" I said my voice softening a little. His eyes softened and guilt flashed through his eyes.
"I am so sorry. I just had a lot of things to do and I didn't want you to see how I am while I'm dealing with business"  He said taking a seat across from me and taking hold of my hand.
"Why?" I asked in confusion.
"Because I didn't want you to think of me as a different person" He said.
"Come on, you can't be worst than me" I joked, but the look on his face told me he was serious. I sighed. "Cedric, I don't care how you act while doing gang business. It won't make me think any less of you" I said caressing his cheek.
"Really?" He asked, his eyes full of hope.
"Of course. I like you for you Cedric. And nothing is going to change my mind" I said and he beamed before leaning down and capturning my lips with his.
We pulled away and he looked me in the eyes, a big smile covering his face.
"Tomorrow night I'm taking you on a date" He said and I smiled and nodded, before pulling him back for another kiss.


Change For Love {COMPLETED}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora