Chapter 23

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Two days has passed since Ryder was murdered and I have been a mess. I haven't been able to sleep and I have spend most of my time in the gyn and coming up with a plan to find Arnold, not that Cedric knows. I haven't really spoken to him since that day. He has been really concerned of me, because of my lack of sleep and because I barely eat, sleep or talk to him.

That night when we found Ryder's body, Cedric had called Shaw, Dallas and Greg to take his body to the morgue and they also had to break the news to the rest of Ryder's gang.

For now Shaw will be taking over because I had asked him, but he also told me it would only be temporarily because he and Lorraine decided to leave the gang business behind. I am starting to think that it's a good idea to leave it behind. The only reason they are still here is because they want to help me out, but I keep refusing. I want to do this all on my own.

"Dakota, please just go rest for a while." Cedric begged when he came into the gym room.

"I can't rest Cedric, I need to be prepared." I snapped, still punching the punching bag.

"You can't overwork yourself." He said pulling me into his arms.

"I will. I need to be prepared. Arnold just killed the last family I had left and I am not going to sit around and let him get away with it." I hissrd as tear slipped down my face.

"No, you don't have to be prepared, because we are going to help you." He said, wiping away my tears, but I shook my head.

"No, you are not risking your lives for me, I am doing this alone." I said, pulling away from him.

"Hell no, you are not going out there alone. I am not going to risk losing you." He shouted.

"And I am not going to risk losing you. I can't lose you too." I retorted, my voice starting to crack.

"You won't lose me. I will make sure that nothing happens to us." He said, cupping my face with his hands.

"Please don't make me give into this Cedric." I begged and before he could say something, I ran away.

I got to the living room where I saw Lorraine, Saige and Chanel standing there with concerned faces. I immediately ran over to them and they pulled me into a group hug.

"You can't go there alone, Dakota and you know it. Cedric only wants you safe. We knkw you are afraid of losing somebody else that you love, but remember Cedric isn't a gang leader for nothing. You can't push him away." Saige said and I frowned.

"You heard?" I questioned. They all nodded.

"Cedric doesn't like the fact that you want to go out there and kill Arnold, but he decided to support your decision, but he also wants to help you." Chanel said and I nodded.

"But what if something happens to him?" I asked quietly.

"There won't. Now go talk to him." Chanel said, giving me a reassuring smile.

I sighed before wiping my tears away and going to search for Cedric. I found him in our room, sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry." I said and his head shot up. His eyes held hurt in them. I walked over to him and he pulled me onto his lap. "I'm sorry for pushing you away. I know you were just trying to help me, but I am just scared that I'll lose you too and I'm not sure how I'll cope if I lose you too." I whispered in a shaky voice.

"Baby, you are not going to lose me. I won't ever leave you my love. But I just need you to understand that I want to helo you avenge your brother and I also want to make sure nothing happens to you, because I won't be able to cope without you." He said as he caressed my cheek.

"I understand Cedric, but then you are not allowed to interfere when I'm with Arnold. I don't want you to stop me." I said and he sighed, but nodded hesitantly.


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