Chapter XVI

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QUESTION FOR TODAY: On a scale of 1-10, how heavily do you rely on coffee? (Don't even know why I'm asking this, I can't even have caffeine and don't like the taste either)

The next day passed in a blur.

The entire pack was holed up in Roxy's house, much to the distaste of Damien's father; as soon as we walked through the door, he screamed that the apocalypse had arrived and bounded up the stairs. His name, I learned later, was Xavier.

Our presence gave Roxy a new lease of life. She paraded throughout the house with a smug smile, talking to each individual in turn. Gamma Alex, however, was less than impressed by the change of scenery. In his words, it meant he had to 'socialise with people'. The only thing he enjoyed was telling me embarrassing stories about Damien.

"So, this one time," Alex began, smirking to himself. "Damien came to my house, sporting just his underpants-"

Damien appeared out of nowhere,  chucking nervously. "We don't need to tell her about that, Alex."

"I think he does." I grinned. "Please, go on."

"As a child, he hadn't exactly concealed his hatred for his cat. They shared a mutual dislike; he thought she was boring, and she tried to claw his eyes out on a regular basis. So, in a desperate attempt to make the cat more 'interesting' he shaved it's hair off and named it Vin Diesel. In order to punish him, Roxy took his clothes, dressed the cat and forced him to come to my house in just his undies." Alex explained, laughing.

I giggled, ignoring Damien's growl. "Why didn't you buy her a cool collar like a normal human being?"

"Because that was too easy," he replied glumly. "I wanted to make her love me."

"So you shaved her?" I exclaimed, laughing. "Fastest way to a girl's heart is shaving her hair, definitely."

He growled playfully and swung me into his arms. "Don't mock me, Thea."

"I'll do what I want, babe. I have sass to last." I replied.

He chuckled and set me down. "I learned that the hard way."

Our conversation was interrupted when a small hand tugged at my sleeve. I looked down at Sammy's smiling face and couldn't help but grin.

"Hey, Sammy. How're things?" I asked, squatting down to his height.

"Good, but I'd be even happier if you played dress up with me!" he giggled, flashing me another toothy smile.

"Why of course," I said, taking his hand. "Would Damien be allowed to play too?"

Damien stared at me with wide eyes and I smirked devilishly.

"Yes! I always try to get him to play with me, but he's too busy being an Alfalfa." He pouted.

"Well, Mr Alfalfa can abandon his duties for a few minutes and play with us! Can't he?" I asked, looking towards my mate with a crooked smile.

"I suppose." He sighed reluctantly.

We were lead into Sam's room, which was littered with toys and costumes. I grinned as Sam offered me a tiara.

"I think Alfalfa here would rather play princess, right?" I giggled despite myself.


I looked up at him through my lashes, biting my lip. His eyes turned black and I knew that I had succeeded. "Fine."

My mate, the Alpha, took the tiara in both hands and pushed it into his scalp, wincing. I burst out laughing at the sight; I could tell, just by his grimace and narrowed eyes, that I had effectively destroyed his dignity.

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