Chapter 3 *More about the mysterious girl & jealousy*

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Hey there beautiful people! Thanks so much for checking out my book😄 I know I haven't said anything in the previous chapters (I'm a little shy and it's my first time writing a fanfic)😁
Anywho... The awesome drawing in the media is not mine, its rightful owner is VianaDrawings from Devianart😊
So, let's get started!!


The birds sang their lovely melody as the sun radiated its light on the sparkling faces of the students of the Collège François Dupont.

The teens were enjoying their lunchtime playing games with one another, sharing a few gossips or simply chatting about the occurrences in their lives.

The platinum blond sat alone upon the staircase that connected the courtyard to the second floor, a book in hand. The silver-white haired boy stood alone in a corner, leaning on the wall, watching as the teens socialized.

Most of Marinette's classmates stood in one of the corners that made the courtyard, next to a couple of benches, whispering about the new students. 

"Mmm, I dunno, that chick seems familiar," Alix commented.

"You heard what Adrien said," Juleka remarked while looking at her friend through her purple bang.

"What di-" Kim was cut off by a very excited Rose. 

"Oh my god, I remember! She also used to work as a model in Norway! For the family company, of course." Then, she continued enthusiastically, "I once saw her modeling this gorgeous ballerina dress that-"

Alix cut her off, "Now you're getting way off topic, Rose."

Rose giggled a bit, here eyes shining, and apologized.

"So what do you know about her Max?" Kim asked the group's brains and know-it-all.

"Well, form what we know she's a Norwegian, 17 year old model (a/n: they're all 17-18) and heir to the Arendelle's fashion company in Norway, as well," then he added. "Now, from what I've heard, her company is one of the best there are in the industry, competing head to head for the first place in Norway with Gabiel Agreste himself!" There was a collective gasp. "His company is still number one world wide, however. Though the Arendelle's are doing great in Korea and Japan." Then he concluded, "That's all I've got, if you want to know more I could-"

"That's alright Max. We don't need more information," Kim said.

"Too much information for your brains, Kim?" Alix added mockingly with a smirk on her face, earning some laughs from her friends and an annoyed look from Kim.

In the meantime, a very irritated blond talked about the same girl with slight disgust in her voice.

"You don't think my Adrikins and her are relationship, do you Sabrina?" asked Chloe glancing at Elsa from the upper floor while slurping on a strawberry smoothie. 

"Oh no, Chloe, I'm sure it is nothing," replied the readhead and then added, "but she is really pretty."

Chloe huffed in annoyance and turned to her 'best friend'. 

"What are you talking about, you moron!" she exclaimed angrily. "Everything about her is fake, I mean look at her hair!" then she turned to look at Elsa.

Not only did she look at her platinum blonde locks, but also at her attire. It was one of Grabiel Agreste's latest designs and she was raging with jealousy because the girl had it and she didn't. And because she notice the invisible pull the blue eyed girl had with people and how everyone was talking about her and not who they should be talking about. Chloe.

"You know what Sabrina?"

The redheaded girl shook her head. 

"We are going to teach her a juicy lesson," she said shaking a bit the cup that contained her smoothie. At this, Sabrina smiled evilly. 

Marinette's P.O.V

"I'm telling you girl, she has become the latest gossip in school and it is only her first day!" Alya declared, motioning with her hands at how the girl has become a big phenomena.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her as I took my seat in our preferred bench.

And Alya kept on saying, "I swear, I haven't heard anyone gossip so much since the day Ladybug firs appeared." Then she gasped, loudly. "What if she is Ladybug?"

"Huh? I thought you had given up on finding the girl behind the mask," I replied matter-of-factly.

"I will never! Not until I find out who my idol is!" Alya stated solemnly.

Good luck with that...

"Maybe it's just because she is a model," I said. "Remember when Adrien first came to school? It was the same."

 "Mmhmm, I remember how coldly you treated him, Mari," Alya retorted mockingly.

"Gah! I-I-I d-din't mean to!" I yelled as loud as ever, the color draining off my face as I remembered.

"Chill out girl, I'm just teasing," Alya said chuckling. "When are you going to ask Adrien out to the movies, between?"

I sighed mentally. I loved Alya's encouraging words and helpful strategies. But every time I see Adrien I simply forget how to talk or to even breath for that matter. My palms get sweaty and I become a stuttering mess. And even though my heart beats unsteadily, I know it will always spell the same words.

I love you.  

How hard can that be to say?

"Earth to Marinette, girl are you in there?" Alya asks knocking lightly on my head.

"Sorry, I spaced out."

Alya sighed but then smiled mischievously.

"Where you thinking about-"



Hi there! Me again... So, did you enjoy the chapter? If yes please vote or comment, it would really mean a lot! I accept any suggestion so go on ahead (even grammar, english is my second language)... Thanks again and see you in the next chappie!!! 😄

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