Chapter 32 *Just Once*

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Mar, here X3 I'm alive, yay! Enjoy♥ (beware multiple transitions)

Third Person's P.O.V

Glancing at the starless night, a sigh left her lips.

"It's been a year, huh?"

Ladybug glanced at her curiously, she too had been thinking about a couple of events that had happened over a year ago.

"What is it Blizz?"

The latter didn't respond, her eyes were fixed on the dark night sky, brows knit together  in a frown and pouty lips.

"Blizz," Ladybug chanted her name, waving a hand in front of her.

Blizzard shook her head, her braid whipping side to side as it send small particles of ice to the crisp air, "Sorry," she smiled awkwardly, "Spaced out."

"You don't say," Ladybug gave her a small smirk, and leaned a little to her side, her back against the infamous tower. She humed, "And why is that?"

Blizzard hesitated for a second, "Nothing really, I just remembered I've been with Frostbite for a year."

Ladybug, holding her surprise, bit back a smirk, "I thought you weren't a couple."

Immediately, Blizzard's eyes shot open, glancing crazily at Ladybug, "Woah, woah, I didn't mean it like that!"

"I'm kidding!" Ladybug chuckled. "Don't get so agitated, even your cheeks are red."

Blizzard slapped her hands to her cheeks, covering them in embarrassment, "I meant to say that I met him a year ago."

"Oh, I see." She looked confused, "Then why do you look so–"

Blizzard shook her head, "I don't know. Perhaps it's realization. It's been a year. Who would have thought I could handle him for that long," she chuckled. "Then there's this feeling, gratefulness, I guess. And I feel like I should do something about it. Did you guys do something on your anniversary?"

Ladybug felt like choking on air at the word "anniversary", her cheeks a light pink as she responded, "Well, we had to patrol like any other day but it definitely felt a bit more special. We got to reminisce and talk and laugh."

"Talk?" Blizzard chuckled, poking her side, "What about, huh?"

"Now who's annoying who," Ladybug rolled her eyes and  stared back at the sky. Silence fell until she decided to break it, "You know a year ago–"

"Uh~ Story time," Blizzard giggled, shifting closer to her friend.

"–I kissed Chat Noir."



"You-you, kissed him...?"

The girl nodded.

"As in mouth to mouth, lip to lip, tongue to–"

"Blizz, what the heck."

"Holy spaghetti, I can't believe it," she glanced at her friend sideways and notice the deep tone of red that came her cheeks. "How did it happen?"

"It was an akuma  attack, he–"


"I just told you, a yea–"

"Did you like it?"

"For goodness sake, Blizzard, don't say that," Ladybug covered her face, embarrassed.

"LB... Did you?" Questioned the girl.

"I'm afraid I did."

"Daebak," Ladybug heard her whisper in another language, which she recognized as Korean and wondered how she knew that. "This silly kitty's gonna be so happy."

When Our Paths Crossed~A Jelsa/LadyNoir Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now