Chapter 24 *Doubting myself*

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Third Person's P.O.V

Light drizzle fell upon the gleaming streets of Paris, now covered in thin coats of crystalline water and tiny particles of ice. Autumn, which had come as ranging hues of warm oranges and sophisticated reds, had begun to come to an end. And the heartwarming, the very peaceful, season of winter had begun to make its much wanted appearance.

Crisp wind tapped calmly against the clear window of the Agreste Mansion, as if wanting to invade the warm space. It all appeared so cozzy, this calming environment. And it was, despite the fact that exams were coming up and there were only a mere couple of days to prepare.

It didn't help that nobody seemed to be concentrating either. Each with their own particular thought occupying their mind.

Elsa, who couldn't help but wonder what Jack was doing at the moment and debated herself to whether she should call him or not.

Adrien, who couldn't look anywhere else apart from the dark haired girl's blue eyes that darted across the books in an attempt to concentrate and her rosy lips that were encased through her teeth as she failed to think about anything other than what had been messing with her mind. The boy hadn't been able to forget that night in which he kissed her under the moonlight, that night in which his heart had fluttered in such a beautiful way and his lips had molded hers in such exquisite manner. He couldn't help but want to savor that moment again.

And finally, Marinette, who's mind was occupied by none other than her partner, Chat Noir. Her thoughts swarming around, images of the events that had occurred the previous days.


"Eccelente. Perfetto!"

A blinding flash. Radiant lights. They were used to it.

"Now, Elsa, bella, a little to the left... Perfect!"

With an arm around Adrien's shoulder, leaning onto his side a little, Elsa flashed a small smile as the camera captured the image. The teens had been paired up to model the new designs for Mr. Agreste's company. Though Elsa hoped she had been laid off from work during her stay at Paris, she knew she still had the responsibilities as the representative of the Arendelle's Fashion Industry. Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as she could actually have fun with her friends being around. Moreover, the desings were quite fun, inspired by the one and only Ladybug. Surprisingly, Mr. Agreste had proposed the idea to celebrate the newly created "Honoring Day" with a showcase of his themed designs.
Everyone wore themed outfits too, it was evident the love for the heroes.

"Where're Alya and Nino?" Jack whispered to Marinette, his white wolf ears cutely shaking as well.

"Dunno. Alya said they'd be a little late," Marinette responded, her bell necklace rattling lightly as she shook her head, catching the attention of everyone.

Marinette blushed lightly and apologized at the strict photographer who looked at her with a rather funny expression, causing Adrien to force himself to suppress his laugh. Internally, the boy fought with all his might to try to keep himself from blushing furiously as he watched her. He didn't know she was a fan, and he didn't know he could feel such way at it being that way. What was happening with him?

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Once again, the photographer turned to look at Jack, who apologized and left to answer his call. Elsa's eyes traveled with him as she watched him go, only to later be brought back to reality by the snap of fingers.

"We're almost done. Just a few more shots and you'll get the rest you deserve, okay?" The photographer smiled, continuing with his work. Luckily, the teens could go for a few  drinks later as they were enjoying a four day break, right before exams, which were taken every trimester.

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