Chapter 9 - Part 1

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~Third Person's P.O.V~

The sun blazed, once again, over the lovely city of Paris. A warm breeze blew away gently the fallen leaves at the school entrance, creating a path of reds and oranges. It was already autumn but it felt as if summer didn't want to leave the beautiful city and its people yet.

Though it was half an hour before the day began for the students of College Francois Dupont, a particular blonde had already found her sit at the front of the class. The girl wore a beautiful ice blue top with a dark blue skirt; she also had a coat on, which covered her miraculous. There weren't many people, for it was so early in the morning. There was Nathaniel; eyes glued to his beloved sketchbook, his favorite pen, Wyatt, in hand. And there was Kim. Yes, Kim. He had lost a bet against Alix and had to be early to school as a punishment. His left cheek was glued to the table, right above a pool of drool, his eyes closed.

Elsa, on the other hand, tried to keep herself awake by pinching her cheeks a little. Her head moved back and forth as she dozed off. She had decided to leave for school earlier to avoid the awkward conversation with Adrien. It was still difficult for her to open up to people.

As her head almost slammed against the table, she finally gave up and decided to take a quick nap. Praying that the nightmares hasn't followed her to school, the girl closed her ice blue eyes...

In her dream, she could smell something. It was an awfully delicious scent, mouthwatering. Chocolate. It smelt like love, like home. She could hear warm laughter. Her sister, her mother, her father. Her eyes opened and she was at home. A strawberry redhead ran happily around the kitchen. The caring eyes of her father looked lovingly at her. His eyes so pure, so bright. And then, the dreamer saw her. A beautiful young women with shinny brown hair and loving brown eyes.



"When, what, where, who..." Elsa's wide eyes met the face of a smirking blonde. Her bag in between them.

"Hey, Chloe," Elsa smiled faintly at the girl.

"Hi, whatever your name is, do you mind if we trade seats?" Chloe batted her eyelashes sweetly.

Elsa looked over to the blonde's seat, where her "BFF" was looking a little disappointed.

"Um... don't you think she'll min--"

"Oh, don't worry about her," Chloe shrugged, waving her hand.

"But I thought--"

"Oh, for goodness sake! Just move, will you?" the blonde snarled.

"Hey! You can't tell her what to do!" a voice said from the door.

The ombre haired girl and the girl with sapphire eyes entered through it.

"And what makes you think you can tell me what to do?" Chloe turned angrily at the girls.

"Last time I checked Chloe, I am the class rep., so it is my duty to keep people like you from hurting others," Marinette said.

"Why, you--" flames could be seen in Chloe's eyes.

"So, now I'm gonna ask you to return to your seat and don't bother her or anyone, okay?" Marinette's eyes burned with passion. She had been born to do it. To be a leader, a hero.

"You will pay for this, Marinette," Chloe hissed while glaring daggers at the girl.

She looked at Elsa one last time, with the same hatred she felt for Marinette, and walked over to her seat.

"Dude, that was awesome!" Nino cheered as he and Adrien entered the class.

"Yes, thanks for that Marinette. What a greeaaaat friend you are!" Adrien winked remembering how the girl had promised to help him.

Marinette could feel her heart jumping out from her chest and her cheeks burning hot.

'Did he just wink?' She thought feeling lightheaded. 'Hot'

"Y-y-yeah! Problem not!" she stuttered.

Elsa, though regretting that she hadn't said something to Chloe herself, thanked the two girls.

Ms. Bustier arrived shortly after and the kids settled in their places.

Right before the bell rang, the white haired boy- and Paris' new superhero- arrived. Though, he looked a little bit down.

"Jeez. What happened to you, dude. Broke up with your girlfriend of something like that?" Alya joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah... Something like that," was all he said.

Ms. Bustier reminded the class of the upcoming projects, which included a very important end-of-the-month presentation.

"So on the night of hallowing, we've been invited to Le Grand Paris, owned by the father of one of our very own students, Chloe Bourgeois."

The teenagers clapped and cheered as Chloe waved her hand like royalty.

"Yeah, I don'y thin I'll be invited," Marinette muttered.

Adrien, however, heard this and made a mental note to talk to Chloe about it. 'It wouldn't be fair for Mari to miss the fun.'

"You'll be creating your own costumes, so I suggest you start working on it. Remember, September is coming to an end so it won't be long before the great day arrives," Ms. Bustier continued and her students nodded. "Now, with that being said, you may continue to your regular classes."

The teens proceeded to their first class, which was laboratory, commenting on the upcoming event with joy.
Ms. Mendeleiv watched warily as the children filled, one by one, her classroom. Her eyes met that of a violet-dark haired boy. He smiled and waved. The teacher, however, did nothing to respond to his warm gesture.

"As you know, there are less than a couple of years before you decide what to do with your lives. Today's lesson will be of extremely importance for those who desire to follow the path of science, so pay attention and don't fool around!" she exclaimed strictly. "Lets start."

Throughout her teachings, anyone could see how passionate Ms. Mendeleiv was about her job; many of her students admired her for that. Though not whom she hoped for.

"Asher, what are you doing?" the teacher asked the dark haired boy who had been smiling at his backpack's content.

"Um, I was closing it," the boy answered as his hand darted for the zipper. The whole class wandered what he kept there.

"Not so fast, I'll take a look at that," Ms. Mendeleiv said with narrowed eyes.

The boy sighed and walked over to the front, but tripped as he did (on Chloe's foot) causing his backpack to fall, spilling all its content. There was face paint, a package of invitations, a red clown nose, a multicolored top hat, and a clown costume.

"Looks like the class clown has finally become a clown," Chloe and Sabrina laughed out loud.

After picking up his things, Asher handed his backpack to the teacher, who simply glared at him.

"See me after class, Asher," Ms. Mendeleiv said strictly.


What are you waiting for? It continues! 😸

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