Chapter 25 *When lips collide*

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Third Person's P.O.V

A lashing noise echoed through the secluded streets of Paris. A polka-dotted yo-yo, like a whip, cutting right through the crisp midnight air that froze the girl from her insides.

Or was it that feeling?

That dreaded feeling she got from the image of Chat Noir leaping through the night with another. That feeling she got whenever Chat was in danger, or whenever he was away, too far from her reach to know he was alright. That feeling that pained her.

Was it true? Was there really a new hero in Paris? Then why did she feel that way, why did she feel so...wary.
She'd never felt that way with Blizz.

At that moment, she felt a presence on her right, not minding to turn around as she could make out the glacial whip that joined her yo-yo.

"Heard the news?" Asked Blizzard, her voice hushed by the whistle of wind at her ear.

"Yes," replied Ladybug. "Do you think...?"

She didn't need to finish, Blizzard knew what she meant, "We'll have to wait and see."

Upon reaching a relatively tall building, the duo came to a halt, their eyes traveling across the moonlit city.

"There," pointed Blizz.

Ladybug followed with her Bluebell eyes, landing them on the majestic Eiffel Tower. There rested two dark  figures that could only be Chat and his new "friend". The dark haired girl couldn't make out their faces, let alone their expression, but she could  hear laughter.

Her hand came up to her aching chest and she asked herself what was wrong with her. What was it that made her feel like she could be the only one to listen to the melody that was his laughter, the only one to sit on that tower at night and talk to him. What was it about him that made her so selfish?

No, it couldn't be it. Definitely not. She liked Adrien, didn't she? And why would she realize  that just now under such a stupid circumstance.

It is definitely not it.

She shook her head and signaled Blizzard to follow. The latter nodded.

Once they had reached the top, they could only see the figures' back, still laughing and talking, as if they'd knows themselves their whole life.

Ladybug cleared her throat.

In a rapid moment, Chat was up on his feet, his hand reaching for his baton. Upon seeing the girl, however, he stopped.


"What are you doing here? Don't you see he's got a new partner?" Exclaimed the sultry voice of the girl.

"Is it true? Are you a new hero?" Asked Blizzard with narrow eyes. Ladybug, who stood behind her, stayed silent, her eyes fixed on Chat who seemed lost.

"You could say that," replied the girl, examining her claws. "If that's all you wanted to know then goodbye."

"Wait," said Ladybug. "Chat, he looks... different."

"What do you mean different?" With a chuckle, she ran her hand across Chat's golden locks, "He's same old Chat. Aren't you?"

"Yes, there's nothing to worry about, Ladybug, I'm fine," the cat hero answered, his ever green eyes fixed on her.

That's when she noticed how wrong it was. How wrong he was. He wasn't fine, and he'd been the one to prove her that. Firstly because he called her Ladybug, not Bugaboo, My Lady, or any other cheesy pun for her name he could come up with. Secondly because he'd said fine; if he were truly alright he would have said something along the lines of "pawsitively purrfect".

When Our Paths Crossed~A Jelsa/LadyNoir Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now