Chapter 33 *Forget*

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Third Person's P.O.V


Ladybug bursted into the room. What she had expected to witness had nothing to do with the sight before her. Marinette would have never let herself imagine finding all high and mighty Chloe in such state.

Breaking into tears on the cold ground.

Ladybug merely stared in completely awe, certainly not knowing what to do in such situation. As sobs broke through the air she felt her heart contract for the girl before her. The girl that had given her such a hard time for the last years but also the girl who idolized her and adored her.

So, she crouched down next to her and did the first thing that came to mind. Pat the girl awkwardly on the head with a soft there there. Not expecting to be tackled in a bone crushing hug, she squeaked as she was.

"Ladybug, I've been such a horrible person."

"And you just realized that?" Muttered the crimson hero low enough to be unheard by the blonde.

"And I'm so sorry," Chloe weeped, for once, her eyes mascara-free, giving her a much sweeter look.

"What are you sorry for?" Ladybug continued patting her head (it was the best she could do).

"For..." Chloe sniffed. "Everything."

"It's good to repent our bad deeds," Ladybug continued, sounding a bit uninteresting, really hoping the girl would understand that she had to make her leave for the villain that roammed around the infamous hotel.

"But you don't understand, I've been so mean...To everyone! And they did nothing wrong, it was just me, who wouldn't allow others to be happier."

At this, Ladybug frowned. "Why wouldn't you be happy? Chloe, you've got everything! You've never faced hardships, you're Paris' sweetheart. Your father adores you--"

The blonde let out a humorless laugh. "Can I tell you a secret Ladybug?"

"Alright," Ladybug finally complied though wondering what had she just gotten herself into. She had to fight an akuma, for pete's sake!

"There's this girl at my school. Marinette Dupain Cheng."

Ladybug rolled her eyes at that. Not only did she have to deal with the drama as Marinette but also now as Ladybug? However. There was the feeling of curiosity that encouraged her to listent, especially since her name had been said so casually, not at all with the usual disgust behind it.

"What a pitiful name, don't you think?"

Now Ladybug felt like banging her head against a wall for believing Chloe had actually redeemed herself about her.

Chloe chuckled, "Actually not at all." This caught Ladybug off guard. "For the past years of my life I've made it my goal to make her life impossible. It wasn't really hard, in all honesty, she's pretty feisty." Ladybug resisted a huff. "But the reason why I did that has to be the most idiotic reason in the world. You see, I admire this girl. Her silent courage, her way of making everything okay when in reality is absolutely anything but that. Her selflessness with people. That I have always wanted to have. I never truly hated this girl. I wanted to be like her."

In that moment Marinette wanted nothing but to wake up from a dream. Was Chloe really saying all of that? Or had she returned from a late patrol and fallen under a dream.

"That's right, I envied her. Yeah, that's the word. Envy. But it wasn't only because she'd stolen the very first crush I had. Perhaps because she had stolen my very first friend," Chloe chuckled. "But that still wasn't quite the reason. Really, I just envied her for what she was and everything I wasn't, and how being that led her to have everything I didn't. Friends. A small, cozy apartment to call home, not a cold hotel or an office when Dad worked late. Loving parents. A mother." A couple of rebel tears fell against Ladybug's suit. "But now, I realize, all that supposed hatred, that act, it led me to nothing. I still am alone and will continue like this. There's nothing to do about it. I can't change."

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