Chapter 23 *Don't mess with the Wolf*

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~Third Person's P.O.V~

"He asked you out on a date!?" Both girls chorused as they looked at the platinum blonde with wide eyes. A crisp breeze brushing their rosy cheeks, leaves falling down the now red colored trees.

"Yeah," Elsa answered, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. "What am I supposed to say?"

"Um, yes... Girl, his face was like carved by the gods," Alya gushed rapidly in a knowing tone, Marinette chuckling at her best friend's attitude beside her.

"Even if that is true, he's a jerk. Don't even think about going out with him, Els," Alix warned the confused blonde, then added. "Like I always say, 'Once a jerk, always a jerk.'" the pink haired girl said with a pointed finger, as if she were teaching them a lesson.

"Who even says that? And he is not that good lucking," Kim spoke from behind, rolling his eyes at the second statement.

"I gotta agree with Alix on this one, that boy seems like bad news," the white haired boy stated and then reached out to bump his fist with Alix.

"I mean, he doesn't seem bad," Elsa said, taking into consideration how she was treated by the boy. Sure, he acted like a complete a-hole, but after he apologized he didn't seem like a player or that much of a jerk.

"Hah, I can't believe you're giving it a thought," Jack said in disbelieve with a dry laugh, his eyes fixed on Elsa with a furrowed brow.

"What do you mean?" Elsa said, confused by her friend's behavior. The girl was used to Jack supporting her or giving her advice in a different kind of way, not with a judging look and sarcastic comments.

"I mean he's a complete douche bag, a total asshole, didn't you see it by yourself? But no, of course not, if the guy's got a pretty face then you'll let it slip," Jack said irritated, even a little angry. Elsa looked at him in amusement, her mouth opening to respond at his comment but Alya interrupted her.

"Hey, you can't possibly say that, you haven't even met him!" Alya snapped at the boy who simply shrugged, unaffected. Nino was the one to talk, "Oh, so you have met him? Alya, he's that and much more. Like Jack said, he's bad news, so quit excusing him by his looks."

At that moment, the young blogger looked like she wanted to punch the boy, hard on the gut, but was held back by Marinette speaking. "Guys, I think you're all making a big deal out of it. It's not like any of us actually hangs out with this boy, we don't even know his full name, for Pete's sake!" The dark haired girl tried to calm the now tense atmosphere by being reasonable, her superhero side slightly submerging from the depths of it's hidden spot. "So lets stop making assumption about him---"

"Ugh, you too, Marinette," Nino said, meanwhile Kim shook his head in the background and Jack gave a silent glare.

"Alright, that's it." Everyone was surprised by Adrien speaking up, who had silently been following the conversation until now. "I think all of you are getting a little ahead of yourselves. Firstly, as Marinette said, we don't actually know the guy, so we can't have anything against him. Second, and most important, I think this is Elsa's decision, not ours, so let her have a say in this."

Elsa looked gratefully at the boy, "Thanks."

"Okay, yeah, whatever," Alix muttered, rolling her blue eyes. "But, if it turns out we were right and he was a douche and hurts our Elsie," the girl raised her clenched fist. "You'll be the one who pays."

Adrien's green eyes doubled in size as he rapidly stood up with hands raised in surrender, "Why does it have to be me?" The boy pouted.

"Because..." Alix stopped to think of a valid excuse, which she didn't found. "Just because."

When Our Paths Crossed~A Jelsa/LadyNoir Fanfiction~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ