Chapter 18 *Treasure*

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~Marinette's P.O.V~

"Finally I'll find out who you are, Ladybug," I stare into those electric green irises that have lost their bright, begging for my kitty to come back. "Your little secret will be out of the bag."

Realizing the only way to bring him back, I did the unthinkable.

I kissed him.

My hands cupped his sun kissed cheeks, his wild locks tangling between my fingers as I close the last gap between the two of us, colliding our lips together. The tenderness of the kiss could not be able to recede the frantic beating of my heart as his soft lips made contact with mine.
I felt him relax. His pounding heart lowering its pace, far too different from mine. He was cured, I had to pull back, but my demented heart told me otherwise, longing for the feeling of his lips against mine. I realized I--

With a breathless gasp, I awoke from my slumber. My head hammering from the abrupt movement as I sat straight up.

"What the hell was that..." I whispered, rubbing my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Moonlight poured down my window, reflecting its enchanting light on my sketchpad, which I had been using earlier.

"Marinette, are you okay?" An sleepy Tikki asked from my pillow.

"Yeah, I just had the weirdest dream," I responded while whipping away clear beads of sweat from my forehead. How strange. It's almost been a year since the 'accident'... Why do I keep remembering?

"Would you like to talk about it?" Tikki yawned. She was clearly exhausted for all the attacks that have occurred the past two weeks, though they were pretty easy to defeat.

"It's alright Tikki. Besides, I have to finish designing my dress for the party." Tikki nodded, flying over a little canopy bed I had designed for her. Before falling sleep, she turned on the little lamp resting on my desk. It gave off enough light for me to design.

I hadn't been able to finish the design thanks to whoever decided to schedule every single test to last week. Just my luck. Not to mention the countless of attempts from Hawkmoth at getting our miraculous. I felt exhausted. Thankfully, my friends and I had been able to get some rest from the excruciating week. We visited a water park that was luckily still open despite the changing season.

As my hands wandered through my bag of supplies, I felt a small round surface. I picked it up, moonlight hitting its gleaming surface. A pure white pearl given by a black kitten.

***The previous day***

"Thank you, Jack," everyone chorused, letting out a chuckle or a smile.

"Oh, come on! Quit teasing me," Jack complained, making me chuckle.

"Well, if it hadn't been for you we would've probably never decided to come," Alix snorted between chuckles.

They were referring to the day Ms. Mendeleiv caught Jack sleeping while handling chemical substances. You can imagine what happened next: her demanding the name of the substance being used, him being completely clueless. Finally, she went bananas and added one more test-- which included everything we've learned so far-- to our very busy, very aggravating schedule.

"Yeah, Jack. Thanks for getting me into detention," Elsa added sarcastically while glaring at Jack.

"Hey, it's not my fault you got caught trying to tell me the answer," Jack answered with a smug grin while Elsa stuck her tongue out.

"Serves her right."

Everyone turned to Chloe, who just had to open her mouth. She was looking at the rearview mirror, fixing her hair.

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