Chapter 19 *Midnight Visit*

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~Third Person's P.O.V~

Marinette rose herself from her seated position to let the peculiar alley cat in. As she opened the window, crisp night air stroke her rosy cheeks sending chills down her spine.

The blonde in the black leather suit, like every other night, swiftly landed on her bed, as it became common for him to visit her after most of his patrols. Adrien certainty enjoyed Marinette's presence and sought for more moments with the dark haired girl-- both in and out of costume. Granted, he found it difficult to approach her as Adrien for he was clueless at what made her so flustered when he wasn't wearing the mask.

He picked up some of the crumpled paper, opening them up, and said, "You're working on another design, Princess?"

"Yep. This one's for a school project," she replied, not taking her eyes off her sketchpad.

Chat mentally groaned, 'That's right! Halloween is this Friday and I still haven't finished my costume'.

"But these are purrfect, I don't know why you're disposing of them," Chat observed. "Do you not like them?"

"I want it to be better!" Marinette said with a grin.

It made Chat curious, "Let me see how it's going." He approached Marinette with a grin in a cat-like walk, his tail swinging side to side in delight.

"Na-ah, kitty, kitty," Marinette pushed him back. "I'll show you the final result when it's done."

Chat sat back, his electric green eyes twinkling with mischief, 'Can't wait, Princess'.

With a small smile, Marinette turned the page of her sketchpad to a blank one, an idea in her head.

"Hey, what are you doing now?" Chat tilted his head a little to the left, questioning the girl.

Marinette smiled, her hand moving on its own against the white paper. "Nothing. So anyway, how's everything with the new team?"

"Oh, everything's great. They're purrety helpful during the attacks and meowfully clawsome as friends. I wish you could meet them," Chat said, adding his usual puns to the conversation.

'Oh, but I do,' Marinette grinned silently.

Like every other of their 'Midnight Visits', Chat would fill up Marinette with stories and adventures lived by him and his Lady during the various patrols and akuma attacks. Not that she needed to know, she lived them too, but she enjoyed listening to the excited voice of her kitten as he told the story from his own perspective.

The dark haired girl cherished every moment she had with Chat Noir-- from being his partner as Ladybug, to his confidant as Marinette. She would never admit it to herself, but she awaited every night after patrol for her kitty to appear through that window with that bright smile of his that made her heart beat in a different way.

"And then I bravely threw meowself in front of M'Lady to purrotect her from the massive wave that was about to struck her!" Chat exclaimed dramatically with an exaggerated movement of his hands. He was telling the girl his very last adventure with Ladybug and the new pair.

Marinette giggled, "Sure you did, Chat."

"But then something went terribly wrong and I was knocked out," the hero explained with a tone that only implied he was proud at his heroic actions.

"Really!?" Marinette gasped dramatically, feigning surprise.

"And then," he sighed. "She was so close all I could feel was the irregular hammering of my heart. I could feel her light blue eyes staring at me with a charm only she is capable of having. That charm that enchants me every time I'm with her, that charm that freezes time into a vast of nothing, yet it means everything to me."

When Our Paths Crossed~A Jelsa/LadyNoir Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now