A/N: Short explanation + Surprise

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Hi everyone! Mar here. So, as I said in the last a/n, this won't be a chapter... more like a short explanation on why I'm taking too long to update. Well, the only problem is: *drum roll* School...  =_= Yep school...  I'm reaching its end so there are final projects and exams and... ugh! 😿 It's so aggravating. But that also means that I'll be updating more on the summer! 🙌 Yeah!
Anyways for the surprise...

 But that also means that I'll be updating more on the summer! 🙌 Yeah! Anyways for the surprise

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I made it... well kind of. I used a picture as a reference so the actual design is not mine... Sorry, it's not very good, I know, that's bc I've never done something like this and I suck at art.
So this is how I see Elsa as her alter ego... whom we don't know the name of.
So what do you think?😺
Ah! One more thing. From know on I'll include a fun fact in each of the chapters... why? Idk! I just love fun facts! So go and check the last chapter for the very first fun fact. I'll include the second one here:

Fun Fact #2:
*Lia's (wolf kwami) real name is Accalia, which means "she- wolf" in Latin. I considered the name "Honi" but later changed it.
*Ahanu's (fox kwami) name means "he laughs" in one of the native indian fox tribes.

So there there you have it folks, or should I say fox...😕
Anyway, anyone kpop fan? Has anyone seen AOA's new MV? Anyone? No? Okay... *hides in corner*



Look at dis...

Look at dis

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Chat never change

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Chat never change...😻

Anyways... Thanks for everyone who reads & votes, sorry again for the late updates... Stay awesome!

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