Chapter 10 *A Matter of Balance*

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Those who are inextricably bound together and those who are fallen from the same sky

~Adrien's P.O.V~

"So the news about this duo already spread, huh?" Plagg said while munching on a stinky piece of Camembert.

We were seated at my desk, scrolling through the new Ladyblog's posts, many of which included photos of the new pair.

"Well, Alya is an outstanding reporter," I chuckled, remembering how hard this girl worked for her beloved blog.

"What was her name again?" Plagg pointed at a picture of the new girl.

"Blizzard Howl. I guess hers is the wolf kwami..." I glance at my friend, wondering if he had met the kwami responsible for the girl's powers. Plagg, however, only frowned.

"I don't think I've ever seen a wolf kwami before..." he said, sounding serious for once.
However, it wouldn't be for long...
"Whatever, back to paradise," he sticked his face in the stinky piece.


"Wait a second!" Plagg suddenly cried out, looking at a picture of Frostbite.

"Wha-" I was cut off by his loud guffaw.


"Shh, someone might hear!" I covered his mouth with my hand, trying to muffle his nosiness, but was only met by stickiness.

Ew... I cleaned my greasy hand in my pants.

"Sorry, it's just... haha... He reminds me of someone," Plagg dried the tears from his eyes.

An idea clicked in my purrfect mind

"Maybe you know him! He's got the fox mira-"

"Ahanu! I can't believe it. It's been such a long time!" Plagg exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Then you do know him. But why is he so different from Volpina?" I wondered out loud with hopes that it wasn't as unbeknownst to him as it was to me.

"Ahanu is not any fox miraculous found in any second had store, first of all. Secondly, he is a fennec fox, not any type of fox, making him fairly unique," he said, waving his hand in the air like an experienced teacher. "He is quite the character too! Ah, I can still remember how Wayzz and I used to make fun of those long ears of his. Good ol' days!"

As Plagg reminisced the time with his old friends, I rolled my eyes muttering "You sound like a grandpa."

I continued scrolling through the pictures until...

"Hey! What is this all about!"

"What is it?" Plagg hovered over to my side.

"Look at these comments: 'OMG! So hot😍' 'Now the blog got more interesting' 'Where can I get one?' Are you kidding me!?"

"Awe, are you jealous?" Plagg snickered.

These were all the comments left under Frostbite's pictures.
Come on! I look much better...

"Whatever. Shouldn't you get going to breakfast? Elsa must be waiting," Plagg said, hovering around.

"Ah, you're right Plagg. How rude of me!" I had completed forgotten about my guest as we got engulfed in the polka dotted blogg.

"Yeah, where are the manners I have taught you?" Plagg joked.

I simply chuckled at his silly comment as my smile grew wider.

When Our Paths Crossed~A Jelsa/LadyNoir Fanfiction~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang