✕ T h e C a r R i d e ✕

191 15 1

Just after leaving the airport we ended up getting stuck in a huge line of traffic nearly a mile long.

"Great! second time stuck in traffic today. Such brilliant luck you have." I thought to myself as I looked at the rain thundering down outside.

It had been pretty silent in the car with the only noises being the traffic and rain from outside.

That was until Gia broke the silence in the car.

She started to talk about what Mark was like when he was younger. Most of the things she told me about I had never heard before.
She mentioned that he use to play the trumpet in his school's marching band.
"Awwh Mark how come you've never told me that before?" Mark just shrugged his shoulders and continued to stare out the window.

Gia then turned on the radio.
The song that was playing when she turned it on was Ride by Twenty Øne Piløts.
"Oh I actually really like this song." Gia said as she started to quietly sing along.
"Aren't Twenty Øne Piløts not from Ohio?" I said to Gia.
"Yes. But I think they're from Columbus. I remember reading about them in a magazine one day." Gia replied back to me.
"Ahh right." I said back.

The traffic was still not moving and we were sitting in the car in silence with only the music from the radio playing.

After a few minutes Gia started talking again. This time the conversation was about Mark and I.

"So Mark how come this is the first time I've met Jack?"
Mark was still looking out the window as he replied back. The first time he had said anything since we left the airport.

"Well mom we've only been going out for a year and I didn't want Jack to feel like I was pressuring him to meet you." His mom just looked at him and completely ignored what he had said.

She then said something to me but I wasn't paying attention, I was too busy looking out the window.

"oh sorry. what did you say?"  I said as I stopped looking out the window.

She turned round to face me then repeated what she had previously said.
"I asked if you were doing alright back there. I know this isn't the best way to start your first day here. With the weather and traffic."

"Oh right yeah it's not the worst way to spend my first day here. And I'm doing good thanks. You?"

She turned to face the front again then drove forward with the rest of the traffic, which seemed to be moving more now.
"That's good to hear and I'm doing good, thank you for asking. So I hear you're from Ireland what's it like there?"
I looked over to Mark in the front seat. He seemed very deep in thought.
"Ireland's alright. It's a lot more rainy than LA is though." I laughed as I spoke.
Gia looked at me in the rear view mirror and smiled.
"Do you miss it. Ireland?"

I looked down at my hands and twiddled my thumbs.
"A little bit. I mean I mostly just miss being close to my family. I'm still getting use to how different LA is from Athlone and how much bigger it is."

The traffic was now back to normal and we were 30 minutes away from Mark's house. Or so Gia informed me.

"Mark always told me that Cincinnati was a bit like Ireland. Weather wise. Don't know how true that is though." Gia said.
I was still looking out the window at the pouring rain.
"Well I mean right now it's the same as Ireland." I chuckled.
I then felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It was a message. From Mark. It read:

Random thing but if my mom just happens to bring up anythin to do with us living together could u plz say that we hav been living together fr 6 mnth or somethin, and not 2. PLEASE. I'll tell you why when we get bck to the house. I promise. Love youuuuuu <333. xxxx

I was confused why he sent me it...very confused but I didn't want to get in an aguement with him so I just told him that I would say 6 months if she just happend to ask me.

Ermm yeh ok...Sure.. I'll say 6 months...u just hav to tell me why back st the house....Promise. Love you too xxxc

No one has talked for quite awhile and the only thing not making it silent was the radio quietly playing.
We were getting close to the house when Mark's mom asked me one more thing.

"So Jack. I forgot to ask. how long have you been in America for? "

Oh fudge...here goes nothing.

"Well I moved in with Mark in July-August time, so round about 6 or so months." I lied.

Mark's mom glanced over to Mark who was now looking in his bag for something.
"Oh that's nice. Glad you're enjoying LA. Mark never even told me that you were going out until 2 weeks ago, let alone that you were living together." Mark looked up when she said that and just gave his mom a look of surprise before slowly going back to looking in his bag.

"Ohh." Was all I could reply back with.

I didn't understand why he hadn't told her until then...I told my family a week after we stared dating...

Mark pulled a packet of chewing gum from his bag then put the bag back on the floor. He then offered if anyone wanted some. His mom said no but I felt gross when I remembered I hadn't brushed my teeth in the morning and the chewing gum I had back at the airport was long gone so I politely took a piece of gum from the pack.

After I looked back over towards Mark and saw that he was on his phone. Again.

Gia turned the radio off seeing as we were almost at the house. It fell completely silent after. But I then felt my phone buzz. It was Mark:

Thanks. I owe you big time. Promise I'll tell u y. And also when we get bck to the house I'll do what ever ya want as my thank you. ;)  ;) xxxc

I didn't know what to say back.

Mark remember it's your mum's house. And yeh u will tell me why... xxxc

I sent the text then looked at Mark. He looked so deep in thought. His bright ocean blue hair contrasted so perfectly with the dull grey skies above Cincinnati...I just wanted to take a picture of him...He just looked so perfect...But at the same time I couldn't help but think,

Why did he want me to lie? And what was he thinking about?

We then pulled up into the driveway of the house.

** I would like to point out that yes. It seems weird that Mark's mom would just happen to ask about how long Jack had been in LA for after Mark had sent Jack the text but for the story and my sake that's how it went haha.
Also some stuff may not be absolutely correct (facts wise) but tbh apparently from the time differences earlier on in the story between LA and Ireland this story isn't going to be filled with 100% true facts...Cause it's my story and I'll write it how I want xD
Anyways thanks to the peeps who have stayed with this story so far.
Love you all. Peace xoxo**

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