✕ M e m o r i e s ✕

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Every few seconds faint beeping noises could be heard coming from the room Mark was in. Jack, Marzia, and Signe all sat on the uncomfortable blue chairs outside the room awaiting the doctors to finish their daily checkups on Mark's "healing progression", of course, nothing had changed though, He was still in a coma and all the doctors could do was wait and hope he woke up before any permanent damage was done to his brain...

"You can go in a see him now." a soft, male voice spoke. The voice was from a tall, dark brown haired doctor that had just come out of Mark's room. "He still isn't awake but just try talking to him and see if he will respond to any of you. We believe that he can still faintly hear things being said, just pay attention to mainly the eyelids and hands, if they twitch or make any rapid or sudden movements the call for one of us. Also, it would be best if only one person spoke at a time." the doctor spoke as he held the door open for us all and watched as Marzia wheeled me into the room.

Was I scared? Yes. Very. Lying in that room was someone who I was planning on spending the rest of my life with. We were so happy...In all honesty, I really didn't want to go into the room. I didn't want to see Mark look so defenseless while knowing there was nothing I could do. It was my fault he was here, he should have just driven us to the place, not me.

Marzia leaned over me as we entered the room "I think you should be the one who speaks seeing as he doesn't know Signe nor I's voice." she calmly stated in a whisper.

I looked up at him lying in the bed wth all sorts of tubes, wires and machines hooked up to him...I felt my throat choke up and water began to fill my eyes. God, I wanted to cry so badly but I had to be strong, for Mark.

Marzia wheeled me over to Mark and that's when I saw how much damage had been caused to him. The entire left side of his face was bandaged up, I assumed it was to help protect any deep wounds from getting an infection. The right side of his face, however, was uncovered revealing several large stitches running down his forehead and cheek, they were sure to leave alot of scars, there was also a lot of pretty bad bruising around his neck and face...

I fucking hated it...I wanted to get out of there because seeing Mark like that was making me feel guilty that I was the one who made it out okay...I should be lying there not Mark...I was the one driving, not Mark... I took a hold of his hand and squeezed it...I don't know why but there was a part of me that just hoped he would squeeze it back...but he never. I tried to think of something to say just anything would do, something that would make me forget anything was really wrong.

"H-Hi Mark. It's Jack, well Sean, I know you probably can't hear me or anything but still, I hope you wake up soon Like I really hope you do. I miss you so so much and I just wanted to say that I-I-I..." I paused as I felt my throat close up and start to burn...oh no...the salty tears began to fill my eyes again. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the tears run down my face and gently land on Mark's lifeless hand. "I-I-I can't do this..." I let go of Mark's hand then began to push myself away from him and back towards the exit, that's when I heard Signe gasp.

"Jack! Jack! His hand moved!" as she called out I turned back to see that his fingers were ever so slowly moving. "Go hold his hand and talk to him again!" she added on in the same tone of voice. I was very reluctant to go over again but did so anyway.

I nervously took a hold of his hand again. "Mark? Can you hear me? If you can but just can't reply don't worry, you'll wake up soon. I just know you will..." I was fighting back tears with every word I said. Every part of me hoped he would wake up then and there...

"H-his eyelids twitched!" Signe whispered from behind me. "Keep talking! I think he recognizes your voice!"

"I don't know what else to say. This is awkward for me..."

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