✕ J u s t I n T i m e ✕

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As soon as Mark heard the footsteps he leapt of the bed and we both went into a hurried panic to get our shirts and other clothing on. My shirt was luckily just on the floor down beside the bed so I grabbed it and shoved it on.

I heard the steps getting closer to the room and I knew I wouldn't get to my trousers in time so I just leapt under the covers and pretended to be asleep. Mark managed to get his shirt on just in time.
As I pretend to sleep Mark began to take random stuff out of his bag to make it look like he had been unpacking.

There was the a knock at the door and it opened.

"Mark I was just wondering if you and-", it was his mom. Her voice turned into a whisper.

"Oh sorry. Didn't know Jack was asleep. I was just wondering if you wanted me to make you and him something to eat for lunch?"
I heard Mark walk over the bed and he pretended to wake me up.
"Hnggh what is it Mark?" I said trying to sound like I had just woken up.

"Moms asking if you want anything to eat babe. Ya want anything?" Mark asked in his quite but deep voice as I sat up.
"I'll have something if you're having something Mark." I replied before looking at Gia. "Oh hi Gia. Sorry I was just tired after the plane journey." She looked at me and smiled.

"It's fine Jack you're allowed to sleep." She let out a small chuckle. "So you both want something to eat? I'm making bacon & sausage rolls for Tom and his friend. That sound alright to you both?" She looked at Mark.
"Uhh yeh sounds good to me. How bout you Jack?"
"Yeh. That's fine. Thank you." I smiled at Gia.

"Alright it'll be ready in about 30 minutes. I'll call you when it's ready." She smiled at us both again before leaving the room and going back downstairs.

Mark went over and shut the door. He ran his fingers through his hair and fell backwards onto the bed and began to laugh.

"Why ya laughing Mark?" I said as I went back to lying down.
"Just at the whole thought of how we almost got caught by my mom. Would of been a first. Also great idea though. Pretending to sleep." He said through his fit of laughter. His laugh was deep. God he was cute when he laughed.

"It was the first thing I could think of so shut up. It was either that or risk grabbing my trousers and end up havin your mum seeing ma dick Mark and I don't think she'd much appreciate that." I said as I started laughing.

We both lay on the bed. Me under the covers and Mark laying on top of them at the end of the bed.

It was nice. It almost made me forget about the shit Mark promised he would tell me in the car...But I was determined to know why he made me lie.
Mark and I soon quieted down.

After several minutes of peaceful silence Mark said something but I wasn't really listening.

"What ya sayin Mark?" I asked.

"Tonight Jack. Tonight."

"What's tonight?" I questioned him sitting up as I did so.
He sat up on the bed and turned to faced me. I gave him a confused look.
Mark then placed his hands on my legs.

"Everyone is going to this party thing tonight. They're going to be gone till tomorrow afternoon sometime. My mom will probably tell us more about what's happening when we go downstairs." Mark said kinda answering my question.
"Sooo?" I said
"What do you mean 'So?' Jack. We'll have the house to ourselves. NO interruptions." He winked at me before hoping off of the bed.
"Ah right. Of course that's what you were thinking bout." I laughed.

"You can't let him do anything Jack until he has told you what he promised to tell you in the car." I thought to myself trying to keep a happy look on my face.

Mark walked over to where he had thrown my trousers and he chucked them at me.
"You're gonna be needing these I suppose. Unless you wanna go downstairs butt naked" Mark laughed. I just chuckled and got out out of the bed as I did I wrapped a towel round my waist.

"Hey Mark. Where's the bathroom?" I asked.
"Go out this room and walk straight. It's the first door on the right. Just make sure my mom doesn't see you." He chuckled and winked at me as I placed my hands over my manhood and walked out the room grabbing my boxers from the floor as I did so.
"Ya know your mum probably saw these right?" I said before shutting the door.
"She probably would of assumed I dropped them while "unpacking." Mark smirked as I shut the door.

I hurriedly walked to the bathroom to avoid accidentally walking into his mom.
I got into the bathroom and locked the door. But before I could get changed I had to deal with things.

When I rejoined Mark in the bedroom I helped him put the clothes we had brought with us into the wardrobe and drawers.
"There. That should do us for the week." Mark said as he hung the last remaining shirt up in the wardrobe.
"Let's hope the weather lightens up soon." I said as I looked out the window.
"Yeh it's meant to be raining for the next few days. News said it should clear up on the 8th or 9th." Mark said walking towards the door.
"Ha more good luck I have. It's going to be raining on my birthday. Fun." I said sarcastically before walking up to Mark and kissing him on the lips. "Right. Are we going downstairs now?" I questioned.
"Yeh lets go." Mark replied and we then walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

**Not my favourite chapter I've written but I'm back at school now so it's hard to concentrate on writing this and trying to do a shit ton of homework. I just hope this story isn't getting boring for you people who actually read it...I promise things do get...interesting in later chapters. Kinda. Just trust me...
Also big thanks to anyone who has voted on this so far. I love you so much. Peace Out Peeps xoxo**

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