✕ T h e S e c r e t ✕

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**Sorry if this chapter us shorter than the others. Some of you might be glad about that. But originally this chapter and the last one were all one big chapter but it was almost 2000 words long and I'm trying to make each chapter between 700-1200 words long. Any enough rambling onto the 2nd part**

His mom was standing over a pan that had bacon in it. The smell of the bacon filled the room.
"Hey mom." Mark said startling Gia.
"Oh goodness Mark, didn't know you were there. Lunch will be ready in couple of minutes if you want to get plates out for me please?" Gia said in reply.

Mark went over to a cupboard and grabbed several plates. "Jack could you do me a favour and get a couple of glasses out of the cupboard over there please?" Mark said to me as he pointed over to a cupboard.
"Uh sure." I replied as I walked out of the doorway of the kitchen and over to the cupboard.

I didn't know how many glasses to grab so I just took out a stack of 5 cups. "Is that plenty of glasses?" I said as I placed the glasses on the table beside the plates Mark had placed down.
"Yeh I think it should be. Mom how many people does Tom even have over?" Mark asked.
"He's only got Evan & John over. Didn't even tell me. He just came back with them after walking Lucy." Gia replied back.
"Also Mark you seem a lot more chipper than you did earlier. What's caused this sudden change?" His mom jokingly said.

I'm glad she asked that question before I did.

"Well, first I'd like to apologise for my attitude earlier in the car. It's just... I got a message from Wade as we were about to leave the airport and he said that he was having some issues with a present I got him to look after for Jack's birthday and it pissed me off..." I looked at him in surprise. The hell had he got me that was so important? He continued speaking.
"But when we got to the house Wade called me and told me he had sorted it out. Hence why I went inside. I didn't want Jack to hear anything...and well yeh..." Mark said as he ran his fingers through his bright blue hair awkwardly.

"It's fine Mark. You just had Jack and I abit worried thinking we had said something wrong." Gia said in return.

She placed 6 bread rolls onto the plates Mark had placed, before she topped them up with slices of bacon and sausages. "Mark can you go call your brother please? He's outside with Evan & John playing with Lucy."

Mark walked to the glass door leading out to the back garden and opened it. "TOM LUNCH IS READY!" He called.
Tom, Evan & John came into the kitchen and grabbed a plate each.

"Oh while we're all here. Mark, will you and Jack be alright here in your own for tonight? We're all going to Sarah & Dave's house for their wedding party thing." Gia said as Tom filled his glass up with orange juice.
Mark whispered something to me "Sarah and Dave are John's parents by the way."

Tom took a sip of his juice and started laughing. "Yeh mom I'm sure they'll have a GREAT time here on their own."
I wanted to laugh but I managed to keep a straight face. Tom's friends however could not keep a straight face and Mark's face went bright red as he looked at the ground.
"You can come with us if you want. Just you'll have to ask the neighbors if you can borrow their motorbike again." Gia said.
"It's fine mom. We'll survive." Mark said in reply.

Everyone went their own ways after grabbing their roll. Tom, Evan & John went through to the living room, Mark & I went to the conservatory and Gia went upstairs.

I couldn't help but get excited thinking about what Mark could of got me for my birthday. I was also slightly scared...cause it was only 2 days away...

**The next chapter might not be up for like a week cause I gotta study for a Biology test and I've got a lot of art stuff to do. Hope you guys understand. Love you xoxo**

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