✕ S e c r e t A d m i r e r ✕

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**So this was originally going to be the whole party chapter but I ended up getting caught up in writing so I PROMISE the actual party shall be in the next chapter after this one...
Also this chapter is pretty long. Sorry.**

Jack's PoV

After we had been to the cinema Mark took me to a small restaurant that wasn't that far from the cinema.
As we walked in a girl with medium blonde hair that had been dyed orange at the tips walked up to us and smiled.
"Hello welcome to Max and Ben's Bistro. How may I help you?" She said, her voice was bubbly and happy.

Mark smiled back at her and smiled. "Uh we have a reservation booked."
She went over to a small desk and brought out a large book marked 'Bookings.'
"I'm guessing it'll be under the name Fischbach then?" She said taking her eyes off the book and looked up at Mark. As their eyes met they both smiled and I felt a small bit of jealousy creep up on me.

Even after dating Mark for awhile I still didn't like it when girls started at him...I was always so scared he was going to just get up and ditch me for them...

"Yeh like usual." I heard Mark say to the young, blonde haired woman.
She nodded her head as she ran her red painted finger nail down the book, in search of the reservation.
I turned and looked up at Mark who was looking at the girl. In hope of getting his attention I intertwined my fingers into his and sighed.
"You alright Jackaboy?" I heard him say quietly as he looked down at me with a half smile. I nodded happily and smiled back at him.

"Ok. You are booked in at table 7 on the top floor. Is that correct?" The young woman said looking back up at Mark, as she did so he let go of my hand and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Uh I think so. It was my mom who booked it to be honest." He said laughing. She giggled as well and the jealousy grew bigger.
"If you would follow me please and I shall take you to your table. My name is Amy by the way and I'll be your waitress for the evening." She said as she shook my hand then grabbed a notepad from the desk then began to walk towards the set of stairs that were lit up with fairy lights. The whole place looked so...magical, but my mind was elsewhere.

As we climb up the 2 flights of stairs to reach the top Mark was walking in front of me talking to Amy, the waitress. They were laughing and every now and then Mark turned and looked at me before the two continued their conversation.
Man what a great way to spend my birthday...

"Here's your table Mark. I shall be back in a minute with the menus." She smiled then walked away.

The table was right by the window over looking the river. It was amazing. The sun was setting and was reflecting off of the water creating a beautiful shimmering reflection.
Mark being the gentleman he is pulled my chair out for me. I sat down and he pushed my chair in before walking round and sitting in his own seat.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Mark said as he noticed I was still staring out at the river. I slowly turned my head round and faced Mark who was sorting his blue wave like hair out.
"Yeh. It's pretty. Almost as pretty as the sunsets in LA over the sea." I chuckled slightly but stopped as soon as I saw the blonde hair girl walking back over towards us. Mark noticed my face dropping and was quick to realise why.

"What is it Jack?" He asked quietly as Amy made her way passed the other few couples that were up here.
"Nothing. It's just...nothing." I replied taking my eyes away from Mark and Amy.
"Jack you can tell me anyth-" he was cut off by the cheerful chirping of Amy.

"Here you go you two." She placed the 2 menus down ifront of us then looked at my face and quickly shut up.
"Oh sorry did I just interrupted you two...I'm sorry." She said apologetically.
"It's fine Ames. Don't need to apologise." Mark said with a smile. I then saw from the corner of my eye, Amy putting her hand on Mark's shoulder and she smiled and him. He then placed his hand on hers.
"Oh..okay. Thanks Mark." She said in a fluster and began to walk away, I turned away from the window and looked at Mark again.

"It's because of her isn't it?" He questioned.
"No..." I said slowly. Mark gave me a look of 'I don't believe you'.
"...fine. Yes it is because of her...how do you know her and why is she so. Giggly around you?" I asked with a stern tone.
"We've just always been friends. I thought I told you about her?" I shook my head no.
"Oh well she just does waitressing at night. During the day she's a graphics designer." Mark said placing his hand on top of mine. I quickly pulled it away.
"Mark you know she likes you right? I mean LIKE likes you." I said placing both of my hands down on the table in front of me.
He gave me a look of confusion but then his face lit up in surprise.
"You see it now. Don't you. The way she walks really close to you. Giggles at anything you say. Always finds some way to touch you. Mark you forget that I done most the stuff she's doing now to you back before we dated, only difference is, is that you told me you liked me first..."

I grew sad at thought that if Mark had never told me how he felt then we would probably of never ended up together because I would of been to scared to tell him I liked him.

"Oh...Shit...Well I mean she'll see that we're together and she'll back off...right?" Mark looked out at the river. The sun had almost completely set now.
"Probably not Mark. She probably just thinks we're two friends going out for something to eat. You said your mum booked the table so she might take that as a sign that it isn't a date. Look let's forget about that for the now and order our food. We'll talk about it later." I said. Mark agreed to drop the whole conversation.

Mark and I sat and ate our meal, laughing and talking about what we were going to do in the short time we had left in Cincinnati, I was glad I got to spend my birthday with Mark...

I had ordered a burger and fries whereas Mark being Mark ordered spaghetti. Probably the worst food you could order in a restaurant because of how messy it can get.
I began to laugh after seeing that Mark had gotten a bit of sauce on his chin but as I was wiping it off with my thumb I saw Amy glaring at me from over by the kitchen area. When she saw me looking at her she backed up and went through the door leading to the kitchen.
What the bell was her problem?

After Mark had paid the bill we began to head back to the motorbike.
"Hey Jack if you just head out I'll be a second just need to go to the bathroom." Mark said as he gave me a quick kiss on the lips before quickly walking towards the bathroom.

"So. You ARE dating him?" A familiar female voice came from right behind me.
"Huh? Oh hi Amy. Yeh I'm dating Mark." I said as I turned round to see Amy standing there with her arms folded.
"I advise you stay away from him. He doesn't love you. He's never dated a guy and why would he go from dating this." She pointed to her self. "To well. You." She said staring at me up and down with a grimace look on her face.
"Why should I leave him? He does love me..." she smirked at me.
I could see Mark coming out of the bathroom now and Amy turned to see him walking towards us.

"If he does love you then why are you questioning it now? Listen Jack I barely know you but seriously. Stay the hell away from Mark or else."

She stopped at turned to smile at Mark who was ow standing next to me.
"Glad to see you two getting on. You ready to go Jack?" He said smiling at me. I looked at Amy who was staring at Mark, just to get revenge I took Mark's arm and wrapped it round my shoulder before going on my tip toes and kissing him on the cheek.
"Yeh I'm ready. Let's go."
"Alright. Bye Amy see ya soon." Mark said.
I smugly smiled at Amy as Mark and I began to leave the restaurant.

We got on the bike and began the journey home. Or well I thought we were going home. Mark ended up parking the bike outside of a hall.

"Mark? I thought we were going home. What's going on?" I asked as Mark pulled me up the set of stairs to the large wooden doors.
"Close your eyes Sean." He said softly so I did as he asked without questioning why. He kissed me gently on the lips then I heard the doors opening.

"Alright now I'm going to guide you so you don't fall okay?" Mark said with a laugh.
"Okay." I said hesitantly as Mark guided me to somewhere.

"You can open your eyes now J." I heard Mark say so I followed his instructions.


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