✕ O n e M o n t h ✕

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After getting out of the hospital, Gia unexpectedly but kindly offered that I could stay with her in Mark's old room until he got better, obviously, I took the offer up but one condition, she let me help her out around the place. She was reluctant at first seeing as I had just gotten out of the hospital but she soon agreed after coming to terms with the fact that I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I was so thankful that she let me stay. I really wasn't looking forward to traveling back and forth between Cincinnati and L.A.

As for the whole youtube thing,  I just use Mark's old gaming computer and the camera I had brought with me to upload videos every now and then, most of the time the videos were just short vlogs to keep everyone updated on both my and more importantly, Mark's health and on how everyone else was doing, the only time that I ever really play an actual game was if I was live streaming late at night due to not being able to sleep. I blamed that on me worrying too much and the pain I'd sometimes get in my left rib cage area.

As for Signe, she went back to Ireland a few days after we visited Mark for the first time, she still keeps in contact with both Marzia and me, making sure to text me every day to keep up to date on my healing progress and to see if Mark is doing any better. Her and Marzia have become very good friends which I'm glad about, even Amy seems to have a change in attitude, but I don't know how long it will last...


It had now been a month though. One month since the crash. One month since my entire life had been flipped upside down. One month that should have been one of the happiest times of my life being newly engaged, but instead, it was spent traveling to a hospital every day to see the love of my life lying in a hospital bed, knowing that he might never wake up. Every night I lay wide awake in the double bed in Mark's old room, staring at the ceiling with tears rolling down either side of my cheeks with my mind coming up with far too many unanswerable questions.

"What's if Mark really never woke up?"

"What's if when he wakes up, he has no idea who I am?"

"What's if he doesn't feel the same way about me? It is my fault after all that he is in this mess."

Tonight was no exception. The evening wore on and soon it had reached 11 pm. Que Gia coming in to say goodnight to me.

Sure enough, I heard the familiar, gentle knock coming from the other side of the door. "Goodnight Jack. Sleep well." Her voice called from the door before she peaked her head around the door.

"Night. See you in the morning." I call back, her head retreating behind the door again as she closes it shut. I wonder if she ever has difficulty sleeping?


As the night wore on, I finally drifted off to sleep, that was until I was awoken by the shrill of my phone going off. Who the fuck would be calling me at this time?
As I picked up the phone, assuming it was Signe calling from Ireland, I answered with a tired yawn.


"Hello. Is this Mr. McLoughlin?"

"Yeh. Who's this?"

"My name is Dr. Kim. I'm from St. Louis hospital. I'm calling to inform you about one of our patients, a Mr. Mark Fischbach?"

As soon as the man on the other side of the phone said Mark's name I shot upright and froze with the phone pressed firmly to the side of my head. I could hear my heart beat start to rapidly increase.

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