✕ P a i n I s n ' t A l w a y s V i s i b l e ✕

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I opened my eyes to the sight and sound of Mark panicking in the passenger seat.
"Shit Jack wake up. Are you okay?" His breathing was rapid and shaky but I was just glad he was okay. My head was banging and I felt like I had been shot.
"M-M-Mark? What h-happened?" I managed to stutter the words out in a shaky voice.
He still had a huge panicked facial expression as if he was shocked that I was speaking.
"Jesus Jack. Fuck. I don't even know, everything went so quickly...last thing I remember was almost cruising the road to avoid getting crushed by a truck." As he said that he slowly looked out my window and his face went even more pale. I tried to turn and look but my neck just wouldn't allow me.

"Mark? Mark! Why can't I turn my head." My voice was quieter than it was meant to come out sounding and Mark quickly turned back to me.
"Probably for the best that you don't look. And I think you might have whiplash...I don't know though. Paramedics will be here soon..." as soon as he said that sirens could be heard arriving, there was more than just an ambulance coming by the sounds of it.

"Mark I'm scared. What's going on?" I said as several fire trucks came barrelling down the road behind Mark, followed by a couple of ambulances and police.
"Nothing babe. Just don't panic please. Time will go faster if you don't panic okay? I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise."  I felt Mark run his hand over mine which I was now realising was still attached to the steering wheel. I still couldn't turn my head so I remained looking at Mark, who, I was only now just realising, had blood dripping down his head and arm. My mind went into panic mode.
"Mark. Mark what the fuck." Was all that my shaky voice could let out. He slowly turned his bloody head and smiled weakly at me.
"Don't worry about it Sean. Everything will be fine. I promise. I won't leave you. I love you so much" He then placed his hand on my head and ran it down my face softly. He had tears falling from his eyes.

That's when Mark's  car door was quickly opened and a man dressed in green appeared behind him, Mark turned to look at him.
"Sir we need to get you and him out of here as fast as we can. But we can't do that till you tell us if anywhere hurts." The man was calm but Mark wasn't. His attitude had completely changed from what it was 30 seconds ago.
"F-fuck I don't think so. No just please. Get him out first please. I can see what he can't. I want him to get out first please?" I think even Mark knew that what he had said made little sense as he said it so fast but the paramedic seemed to understand what he meant.
"Okay sir we will get him out first. What's his name?" Mark looked at me.
"Sean." He replied as he took my hand off of the steering wheel and placed it into his.
The paramedic was now on my side but I couldn't turn and look at him so I continued to keep looking at the now blood soaked face of Mark. I shut my eyes tightly.

"Sean? Does anywhere hurt other than your neck right now?" The man in green asked me as though it was the most important question I would ever be asked.
I opens my eyes again to see that Mark's eyes were now shut as well.
"N-n-no. I don't think so. What's happening?" I said, now beginning to panic more as I heard someone else calling over from where I could only assume the truck was. I couldn't hear them but I knew it was bad by the sudden change in the man next to me's voice.
"Shit. Right we have to get you out now. Okay. We're just going to slowly lift you out and if you feel pain anywhere just say okay?" He sounded rushed.
"O-okay. Please what's happening?" He never replied he just called 2 other paramedics over and they began to slowly lift me onto a stretcher. The only pain came from my head and neck.
They got me out alright and began to carry me towards the back of an ambulance.
"N-no please. Mark." I said quietly as they hurried towards the ambulance.
"It's fine.  The rest of our crew are working on getting him out. But we need to get you away from here." One of them said, he had a deeper voice than the previous guy, making his voice a lot more calming.
"Why? Please someone tell me what is going on. I'm scared." I felt tears roll down the sides of my face as I heard what could only be the ambulance doors opening.
I could hear he two paramedics whispering then the deep voices one looked down at me.
"I only know what I've been told but what happened was the back of your car got smashed in by a truck causing your car to flip over several times before smashing into the side of a building. We need to get you and your friend out fast because the truck was carrying highly flammable liquids and when it crashed the liquid began to run down to your car..." he stopped when he looked at my face which must of had a very horrified look on it.
"S-so t-the truck could explode at any time?" I said, now even more horrified when I realised Mark was still in the car.

"Will he get out okay?" I asked as the men put me in the ambulance. Neither of them answered.
"Please. He's my fiancé. I need to know that he'll be fine!" I was now yelling and it wasn't doing my head any good.
"Sir. Sean. Please just calm down. Everything will be alright you just have to-" he was cut off by the most horrendous sound.
An explosion.

Everything went silent. I could faintly hear the paramedic yelling for the other one to drive, but my mind was focused on just one thing.

"MARK! NO PLEASE STOP! MAAAARK!" I called out to nothing but the roof of the ambulance as it sped off towards the hospital, as the deep voiced man tried to restrain me from leaping up out of the gurney I was on. I wasn't caring for how much pain my body was in right now. I just wanted to see Mark. I just wanted him to hold me. His voice kept playing over in my head as tears uncontrollably fell down my face as I weakly tried to get up.

"Don't worry about it Sean. Everything will be fine. I promise. I won't leave you. I love you so much."

**Sorry. Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
K-pop may have taken over my life right now haha. I'm also learning Korean right now and I've just not had time to do Edits for Instagram or write stuff for Wattpad.
Sorry. Hope this chapter makes up for the lack of uploading...**

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