✕ E a r l y B i r t h d a y P r e s e n t ✕

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**This is more of a "filler" chapter so it wasn't meant to be long but I kept writing...Sarry. Next chapter will be a SHIT TON MORE EXCITING CAUSE LIKE OMFG PREPARE YO SELVES FOR THE NRXT CHAPTER!...actually don't cause it probably gonna be shit xD . **


I must of fallen asleep while watching the TV, As I woke up Mark was no where to be seen, again. I could hear voices coming from the hall way so I dragged myself out of the comfort of the bed and headed towards the door to see what was going on.

"No mom he's asleep...Yes its tomorrow...Yes Wade said he was setting everything up today...What?...Oh right yeh so far everyone said they could make it just Bob & Mandy will be a little late...Oh good...so me and him are arriving on the neighbors motorbike? Romantic...Look as long as everyone is there BEFORE I arrive with him then nothing can really go wrong...alright... No mom I'm fine I'll just make me and Jack something later." I heard Mark laugh then I heard footsteps going back down stairs. What was he talking about?
I decided to just be brave and open the door.

"Jesus Jack. You gave me a fright there." Mark said turning to look at me. He then paused and looked at me with a hint of panic in his face.
"Did. Did you hear any of that?" He said walking towards me.
"No. why?" I said curiously.
"Just wondering. Anyway you have a good sleep?" Mark asked obviously trying to change the subject as I walked over and hugged him.
"Yeh I suppose, I didn't even realise I had fallen asleep until I woke up." I laughed
"Why were you up?" I said looking up at Mark.
"Oh I went to the bathroom then heard my mom call saying she was home so I went to see if they had a good night." Mark smiled at me. "So you wanna do anything today or do ya just wanna spend the day in bed?" Mark said letting go of me.

I began to walk back to the bedroom following Mark.

"Think I just want to spend the day in bed after all the shit that happened yesterday." I laughed jumping into the bed as I did so.
"Sounds good." Mark laughed then jamp into the bed next to me. He then pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around me, I snuggled into Mark and smiled.
"Mark I know I say this a lot but I'm really glad I get to wake up next to you ever day...I mean except when you decide to get up and make pancakes that is." I laughed then heard Mark laugh.
"Same to you. I don't know where I would be if I hadn't found you Jack...seriously words will never be able to describe how much you mean to me." I looked up at Mark and kissed him gently on the lips.

We sat in peaceful silence for a while just watching horror films all day. It was nice. When it hit 6pm Mark decided that he would make us both something to eat, seeing as his mom and Tom had already ate the kitchen was empty and Mark began to make us dinner he told me to wait in the bedroom until he was finished, so that's what I did.
And hour and a half later Mark called for my from downstairs, I hesitantly walked down the stairs, a little scared of what would be waiting. As I got closer to the conservatory I could see that Mark had shut the blinds on the glass door so I couldn't see in, then the scent of something tasty filled my nostrils.
"At least it smells good Markimoo and you haven't burnt it." I laughed as we reached the conservatory door.
"Ya ready Jackaboy?" Mark asked as he put his hand on the door ready to open it.
"It's not gonna be like kangaroo balls or something is it? You're acting strange." I joked "But yeh I'm ready."

Mark smiled then slowly began to open the door.
"Seeing as it's your biryhday tomorrow I thought I'd make you an early birthday present...hope ya like it." Mark said stepping aside to let me see what he had made.
The small room was illuminated by candles, Mark had shut the blinds so it was dark but the candles gave of plenty of light. Sitting in the centre of the room was a small table with two chairs either side of it and in the centre of the table was a single red rose like the one Mark had given me earlier.
"Wow Mark...This is amazing...Thank you!" I turned round and hugged Mark.
"Glad you like it. Now if you would be so kind and let me escort you to your seat sir." Mark said in his attempt at doing an over the top posh British accent. I let out a small giggle as he lead me to my seat. As I sat down Mark pushed my chair in for me as he tried to keep in his "character."

"Oh why thank you sir." I said copying Mark's accent.
"I shall just be one moment while I go get your meal for the evening sir. Hope you don't mind the wait." Mark started to laugh then left the room to go get whatever he had made.
Whatever it was it smelled great.

Mark walked back into the room holding two plates of what looked like lasagna, it smelled delicious.
"Dinner is served." Mark said in his normal voice.
"Wow Mark this looks amazing...why the hell do you not cook enough back in LA? And did you just give up on that accent?" I laughed as Mark placed the plates on the table then sat at the seat across from me.
He laughed. "I just always thought my cooking wasn't the best...and yeh I just gave up on that voice it's hard to do. Oh wait! I forgot the wine, give me a sec." Mark said as he quickly got up and ran back through to the kitchen.
"I hope you don't mind that it's white...mom drank all the red..." Mark said walking back into the room.
"Mark I really don't mind. Thank you." I smiled at him as he poured the wine Into his and my glasses.
We then began to eat.
"Mark this is fucking amazing like jeez." I said taking a mouthful of the lasagna.
"I'm uh glad you like it...I was scared you wouldn't." Mark replied.

We sat in silence for most the meal, but it was a relaxing silence. Once we had finished Mark took the plates through to the kitchen then returned.

"Now if you sir would be so kind to let me escort you to another room for dessert." Mark said in the British accent from before. I felt my face go bright red as I tried not to laugh.
"Really Mark? Really?" I laughed standing up to face Mark.
"Yes. Yes really. Now if you're not gonna follow me then I'm just gonna have to take matters into my own hands." Mark's replied with a laugh.

I stood facing him wondering what he was gonna do if I never followed him..kinda glad I didn't cause Mark looked at me and smirked "so you really want me to take matters into my hands don't you?" Mark said walking towards me.
He then laughed and scooped me up in his arms.

"Mark. Remember your mum is like in the living room." I laughed as Mark carried me to the stairs.
"As long as we're quite it'll be fine. Can you be quiet Jackaboy?" Mark laughed then winked at me causing me to start laughing as well.
"I don't know Markimoo depends if you can keep me quiet." I winked back at Mark.
As we reached the top of the stairs we met Tom on the landing. He sighed.
"For fuck same Mark if you and Jack do anything please for the love of everyone. Be quiet." He then ran downstairs as Mark started to laugh.

As we reached the bedroom Mark gently threw me onto the bed.
"You ready for your early birthday present Jackaboy?" Mark said climbing onto the bed on top of me.
"Sure Mark just remember we're not alone in the house." Mark sighed as I said it.
"Dude I know don't ruin the moment. If you start making noise I'll keep you quiet." Mark winked and I laughed.
"Sure. You'll be the one who ends up making too much noise ya doof."

**Again sorry it's long...**

Just Don't Panic || Septiplier ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon