✕ P a n c a k e s & C o f f e e ✕

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**Small game you can play: Take A Shot Everytime I Say "Bedside Table" in this chapter. xD Also just wanted to say a huge thanks for almost 400 views on this story. I love all the support and nice comments some of you guys leave. If it weren't for you peeps then I would never of continued this story.
But enough fcking talking.

The next morning I awoke to the delightful smell of coffee filling my nostrils. I smiled and rolled over and felt a cold patch on the side of the bed next to me. Mark wasn't there.

I looked over to Mark's side of the bed and at the alarm clock on the bedside table, it read 9:37am.
I sighed and sat up to look round the room, my eyes drifted to the mug of coffee that had been placed on the bedside table next to me. I could see steam coming from it so I knew it was still warm so I wrapped my hands around it and took a sip of the warm coffee.

"I made it, hopefully, just the way you like it."

I looked up to see Mark standing in the doorway smiling and holding a tray.
I smiled back at him. "Yeh thanks it's perfect. Like you." I laughed quietly as Mark walked towards the bed.
"I think you'll find that you're the perfect one here." Mark said as he carefully leaned over and kissed my forehead, making sure he never dropped anything that was on the tray, on to me. I then placed the mug of coffee back on the bedside table.

"I made you some breakfast to apologise for falling asleep last night." Mark said as he passed me the tray that had a small vase with a single red rose in it and a plate of freshly made pancakes with a small drizzling of maple syrup on top of them, he then walked round to his side of the bed and carefully he crawled back into the bed next to me.

"Oh Mark you seriously didn't have to." I said picking up the vase and putting it on the bedside table.
Mark turned and looked at me.
"I know but I felt bad for everything yesterday... Like yelling at you before the flight and making you lie to-" I cut him off by kissing him gently on the lips.
"Mark I wasn't even angry at you for anything yesterday. It was me that caused all the problems. Like sleeping in and making us late for the flight."

He put his arm around my shoulder and I shuffled closer to him. He looked down at me and smiled.
"Still...I shouldn't of yelled and I should've told you about my mom not knowing about us. You can't take all the blame." He kissed me on the head again before turning on the TV that was on the wall of the room. He turned the channel to The Big Bang Theory. He loved that show.

I looked down and realised I hadn't tried the pancakes yet so I took a bite out of one of them.
Mark should cook more often cause damn these pancakes were amazing.

"Mark. Holy shit why have you never made these before!?" I said not realising how loud I had said it giving Mark a fright.
He looked at me wide eyed.
"Jeez Jack you made me almost jump out my skin there. And I don't know I just never thought I was good at making them." I looked at him in shock.

"Mark these pancakes are bloody brilliant. You're now officially on pancake making duty when we get back to LA." I laughed taking another bite out of the pancake. Mark chuckled as well.
"Yeh I suppose I'm not getting out of that eh." He smiled before turning back to watching the TV.

Lying in bed with Mark in the morning, my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around mine, watching TV while the sweet smell of pancakes and coffee filled the bedroom. I honestly couldn't of ask for anything more.

It was perfect.

**I cannot explain how much I enjoyed writing this chapter. Like seriously I started writing a plan for it at like 3 in the morning a couple days ago and then all of a sudden all these ideas just came to my head and yeh...I honestly hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do. :)

Peace Out Peeps xoxo

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