✕ S u r p r i s e ! ✕

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**HOLY FUCKING BALLS!!! 800 Reads??? The fuck even is this. I love you guys so much like omg.
Also this chapter is 3k words long so...sorry. Enjoy ☺️☺️💕

3rd Person PoV (cause why not)

Mark smiled and slowly stepped forward so he was now standing in front of the green haired man.

"You can open them now J!" He said with a burst of excitement as he stepped to the side of Jack. Jack slowly opened his eyes only to see a room crowded with friends and family some of whom he had not seen in years.

"SURPRISE!!!" They all cheered as Jack covered his mouth in shock.
"W-w-what....Mark what is- you did all this for me?" Jack turned to face Mark as tears began to fill his eyes.
The blue-haired man out stretched his arms and wrapped them around Jack. Nodding his head as he did so.
"With help from a few special people." Mark said with a grin as Wade and Gia walked over towards the two of them. Mark let go out of Jack as the 2 people waved over to them. Jack's face drooped as Mark let go, but he wiped his eyes and smiled happily as the 2 people walked over to him.

"So wadda think Jack? Did we do good?" Wade excitedly asked as they stood in front of Jack and Mark.
"Good? You guys did an amazing job! Like HoLY SHiT. The place looks amazing and you actually managed to find people to invite." Jack laughed as he tried to not cry again and hugged both Wade and Gia.
"Glad you like it Jack and if it was Felix who managed to get the names of people and message them, it's a shame he was busy tonight. And Mark here has been planning this for months. We almost didn't get this venue because other people had booked it out for the night but Wade here, luckily, knew the people booking it and got them to swap their dates." Gia said as she smiled at both Mark and Jack.

"Oh and also, Mark? You can later help me put Jack's prezzies into the boot of my car and he can open them when we get back. Please?" She added on as Molly, Wade's fiancé, came up and dragged Jack & Wade off to dance.

"Yeh mom I will..." Mark waited till Jack was lost amongst the crowd of dancing people and out of ear shot then turned back to face his mom.
"Listen I'm still really nervous about later...w-what should I do? H-how should I do it?" Mark's voice was filled with a tone of anxiety as he spoke to his mom as the two walked over towards the seats and they went to sit down.

"Listen Mark it'll go fine. I promise. Don't stress about it, we're all here." She said in a comforting voice as she wrapped her arms around her son.
They pulled apart and smiled at each other.

"I hope you're right...Don't want to embarrass myself in front of all these people...especially because I don't know half of them." Mark replied with a halfhearted laugh. "Also when will Jack's mom and dad be arriving? I want to speak with Neil quickly before all this happens." Mark added on.
"Well Suzie said that her and Neil should be here at 9 so in about an hour maybe 2. Mark I promise you that everything will go alright, the worst thing that could happen is either you or Jack faint or throw up." She replied with a laugh.

Gia then stood up and hugged Mark before she walked off to go find her friend. Mark remained seated and picked up one of the untouched glasses of champagne from the table and downed it all in one go. It was obvious to tell that he was nervous.


He received a text from Bob.

Bob: hey listen me and Mandy are just around the corner. I've got the present for Jack so I'll come give it to u when we arrive. Okay?

Mark: Oh hey. I thought Wade had it??? Did he fckin forget it????

Bob: Yeh but don't stress about it. I've got it so evrytin is a okay. See ya soon mate.

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